2. Punk'd

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"Tom Holland?" Naomi gasped, throwing off her sunglasses in awe of the British actor before her. However Tom, who had just been about to apologize for running into her, looked very confused.

"Im sorry, what?" He asked, in a clear American accent. Naomi paused, clearly thrown off. Heartbeat still erratic from literally running into the Spiderman actor, she cleared her throat and tried again.

"Tom Holland, you're Tom Holland!" She exclaimed, though a small part of her questioned it. Despite her rational thoughts, the guy in front of her seemed more like Peter Parker than Tom Holland. Which was, of course, impossible.

"Im sorry no, my name is Peter, uh, nice to meet you?" Peter extended his hand toward her, a slightly nervous smile on his face. Naomi widened her eyes, and examined him with a slightly alarmed look. He was wearing a graphic T-shirt, which read 'If you believe in telekinesis, please raise my hand,' paired with a baggy army green jacket, blue jeans and dirty sneakers. Based on Naomi's memory of Tom Holland's fashion sense, which was quite good thank you, it wasn't an outfit he would have picked. He also had quite the aura of innocence, and a genuinely young and excited spark in his eyes.

Narrowing her eyes, she accepted Peter's hand, and after a firm shake, asked him the only logical question she could come up with. "Am I on Punk'd or something?"

"Uh no, why? And who's Tom Holland?" Poor Peter looked extremely confused, and slightly worried that this woman was crazy. Naomi pursed her lips, peering around for a hidden camera and silently praying there was one. That barista chick kinda spooked her, and it was awfully early to be spooked. When there was no camera to be found, only a maybe 17 year old superhero looking at her like she was mental. And who's to say? Maybe by this point she was.

Energy draining quick, Naomi took another swig of her hot coffee before answering Peter. "He's the actor that portrays Peter Parker, aka Spiderm-" She was cut off by Peter frantically waving his hands in her face, shushing her in an overly dramatic fashion. Hesitantly, he grabbed her hand, and Naomi almost smirked at how uncomfortable he looked to be dragging someone away from a crowd. She went perfectly willingly, taking the opportunity to chug more of her coffee before it went from scalding to hot.

They stopped just inside of an alleyway, far enough from the public eye not to be heard, but still close enough to people that it wasn't creepy. Naomi wasn't worried though, the coffee gave her enough energy to fight if Peter Parker-Tom Holland whoever turned shifty. His eight-pack meant nothing to Naomi, she would kick his ass in a fight, especially with two shots of espresso fueling her.

"How did you know that? Who are you" Peter asked, his stern demeanor wasted since Naomi was clearly a couple inches taller than him, and he had to look up to her. Naomi was quite naturally tall, towering over most men at a solid six feet without heels.

"Look, ah, Peter. My name is Naomi Swanson, and you can cut the act. I'm fully aware that Spiderman and the Avengers and all that isn't real, love the movies but its not real. This is truly an elaborate prank I have to say-" Peter interrupted her once again, his expression a mixture of concerned and cautious.

"What do you mean movies? How-how can you say we're not real?" He seemed almost offended, especially that she called the Avengers fake. Naomi straightened, beginning to become actually concerned. Tom wasn't dropping the act, and there were no cameras or microphones to be found. Clearing her throat, she continued on.

"Because super-heros don't exist, its all from the marvel comic books, all the way back to the 1940's." Naomi spoke slowly, as if she were explaining it to a child. By now, the star wonder of meeting Tom Holland had dulled and she was getting tired of being Punk'd, or at least hopefully she was. "Spiderman is a comic book character, and so is his civilian ego Peter Benjamin Parker."

Peter looked extremely concerned now, especially at hearing his middle name. Opening his mouth and closing it several times, Naomi waited patiently as he contemplated what to do. Finally he looked at her seriously. "Wait here." Peter proceeded to walk further down the alley, stopping several feet away to pull out his phone. Naomi watched as he texted someone frantically, muttering to himself, and peeking back at her randomly. She chuckled a bit at him, laughing off her very real concerns for her well-being and sipping her coffee instead. Ah, to be a millennial.

Peter returned to her quickly, concern still etched all over his face. He was about to say something to her when she interrupted him for a change. "Did you just text Happy Hogan?" She inquired, sliding her sunglasses back on as Peter's face paled noticeably. His mouth opened and closed several times again before he stalked away, pulling out his phone to text Happy some more. Naomi only smirked to herself. Extensive knowledge of the Marvel universe didn't seem so pointless now, huh? The young super-hero returned once again, still slightly paler than when she ran into him on the sidewalk.

"I need you to come with me." Peter spoke, showing a touch of leadership quality that Naomi respected.

"Lead the way." Naomi gestured for him to walk, joining his side as they strode out of the alley way. "So has Mr. Stark given you any more missions since you fought the Vulture?" She asked innocently, enjoying when Peter stopped in his tracks, having to jog to catch up with the older woman's longer strides.

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