44. Hulk

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"Who the hell is Bruce?" Valkyrie asked, one eyebrow raised in confusion. She was seated at a table they had managed to find in Hulk's room along with Naomi and the brothers. The four had been discussing their strategy for getting off the planet, though Valkyrie hadn't figured if she would leave with them. However, the name Bruce kept popping up, and though she hadn't cared at first, and had barely been listening to the conversation, it was starting to seriously annoy her.

"I didn't tell you?" Naomi asked from across the table, genuinely surprised. She was usually so good at spilling the secrets of the Marvel Universe to everyone she came across. Almost as good as some the Marvel actors.

"Probably not." Valkyrie shrugged, since it was possible Naomi had explained it to her, but she had jut been hammered. It happened quite a lot.

"Banner is our friend," Thor answered, smiling fondly, "he transforms into the Hulk for battle." Beside Naomi, Loki glowered down at the table, attempting not to relieve the 'puny god' incident. Valkyrie arched her other eyebrow, and proceeded to stare at the lot of them as though they were children trying to fool her into believing something.

"Right." She commented, not buying it for a second. Naomi sighed, unwilling to spend an hour trying  to convince Valkyrie of something she had already made up her mind about.

"You'll probably see it later. We might have to ask Hulk to de-transform." She leaned her elbows forward onto the table, balancing her head in her palms and chewing on her bottom lip. The best exit plan for all of them would be the abandoned ship that Hulk had arrived on, which she knew to be out in the junkyard. However she also knew that Hulk would have a hard time fitting, since he destroyed the thing in Ragnarok. Though, even if they could fit Hulk onto the ship and pile everyone else in comfortably, he would have to give control back to Bruce at some point.

"You're going to ask the Hulk?" Loki commented incredulously. 

"No other way to do it." Naomi shrugged. Loki observed her with wide eyes, leaning back in his chair quietly.

"I commend you, Naomi." Thor nodded, pleased with her response. "But we should be leaving as soon as possible, so it'll have to be now." Naomi looked at him, contemplating for a moment how she would go about asking the Hulk to give up control of his body. After a moment she frowned, and huffed dismissively.

"Alright, lets do this." Naomi stood, sliding her chair out behind her with a squeak. "Can you guys get the ship prepped while i'm gone?" She was met with a chorus of nods from the brothers, and a contemplative stare from Valkyrie. Clearly, the woman still didn't know if she would be joining them. However Naomi could only concern herself with one superhero at a time, so she decided to convince the Hulk first. Turning to leave, Naomi made it a few steps toward the door before she felt a slight pressure on her shoulder. Her brown hair swished in the air as she turned around to face her approacher.

A smile made its was onto Naomi's features when she saw Loki staining before her, his arm still outstretched to lay lightly on her shoulder. "Be careful." He told her. She didn't say anything in response, only reached up to lay her hand on top of his, squeezing it for a moment before they both let go.

"I promise." She smiled, and turned to leave, her eyes transfixed on his until she faced the door. Naomi's grin refused to leave her face, and she could sense his eyes still staring after her, even if she didn't hear his whispered response.

"I know."


"Hey Hulk." Naomi greeted, closing the door to the training room behind her. Hulk, who had been standing by the weapons rack with a sledgehammer in one hand and a mace in the other, grunted in response. As she walked over to him, Naomi could practically see the gears turning in his head as he looked between the two weapons, considering which one was deadlier. For herself, Naomi chose to go with the small black bag stashed in between a couple of swords, which belonged to Valkyrie based on their size. As she rifled through the bag, she could hear Hulk drop one of his options back onto the rack and shuffle out to the middle of the room.

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