this shot of truth | cake

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This one is sad. It's based off of Ghost of You. The italics underlined are the song lyrics and just italics are flashbacks.

Enjoy. Here's some tissues *hands you a box* (don't listen while reading unless you want maximum tear-age)


  Calum Hood, once a young teen in love was now 30 years old. It'd been one year since the love of his life died. Since the light in his life completely faded to darkness.

  At weddings, you never really think about that part. Sure, it's mentioned, "till death do you part." But people don't think about those things at the time. They don't consider the fact that the person you love might die before you and leave you. Heartbroken and sad. No one considers that the one person you've loved with your whole being would one day be gone. In a fucking instant.

  Calum can still hear the sirens. Can still hear himself screaming and crying and praying for the first time in years that Luke would say something. Hoping to God that he would just open his pretty blue eyes one more time. Scrunch up his nose. Smile with his dimple.

  And he can never see that again. All because of a fucking drunk driver.

  He remembers and Luke's wedding. Both families were there celebrating, Ashton and Michael made speeches as best men. He never ever considered his life without Luke. Couldn't fathom it.

  Ever since highschool Luke had been the light of Luke's life. Making him laugh with his dorkiness and the random things he'd say. Remembers sitting on the roof of the Hemmings' house with him and looking at the stars. Pondering both of their existences in the world.

Here I am waking up,

  He lays on the king sized bed him and Luke used to share. He makes sure to stay on his side. The blondes side of the bed hasn't been touched.

Still can't sleep on your side.

  In fact, the same mug that Calum had delivered to him that morning is still there. He bets there's a ring around the wood, but doesn't dare move the cup from it's spot.

There's your coffee cup. The lipstick stain fades with time.

"Lu," Calum whispered, shaking the blonde's shoulder lightly. An arm was behind his head and Calum admired Luke's bicep. His other hand was on his bare stomach very close to his happy trail.

  He wasn't wearing any boxers because of the night before, Calum smiles at the memory. The only thing under the sheet is a leg and Luke's dick. All the other pale skin is exposed.

  After a few more tries, blue eyes flutter open and beautiful orbs behind long eyelashes are starting up at him. "I got you this." He lays the mug on the table along with a cookie.

  "I think I'd rather eat you." Luke smirks.

  He sits up and pulls Calum in by his waist. The brunette straddles Luke where he is sitting at the edge of the bed. He cups Luke's cheeks and rubs his nose against the blonde's. "I wouldn't be opposed to that." He kisses him on the lips, slow and languid. He smiles against his lips, knowing that if he stayed here forever he would be happy.

If I can dream long enough, you'd tell me I'll be just fine. I'll be just fine.

  Calum remembers the day like it was just happening. Can picture Luke sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling him in. Can still feel his warm palms on his hips where his boxer briefs hung low.

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