Insecurities part 2

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Previously in Part One:
When two weeks passed and Tom hadn't heard from you, he got worried and traveled home during one of his limited days off. Nothing could have prepared him to find the apartment empty of your presence. He walked into your shared bedroom and saw your drawers were empty and none of your things were in the bathroom. He started running around trying to find any clue that you hadn't left. Then he saw the small note you had written and placed on the kitchen counter.
"I'm sorry I couldn't be enough. -Y/N."

It had been two weeks since you moved out of your shared apartment with Tom into your friend's place. It was nice having someone around all the time, even if it meant she could hear you crying almost every night. Leaving Tom was the hardest thing you had ever done. You love him so much and leaving was awful but you knew that he deserved someone better, someone who wasn't you. Tom would do just fine without you, he'll end up dating someone perfect who won't be doubt their every move and will easily fit into his lifestyle.

Lying in bed under about a hundred blankets you went on YouTube and clicked on your favourite YouTuber's new video. Your smile drops as an ad for Tom's new movie came on. Tossing your laptop on the other side of your bed, you quickly shut your eyes.
Please don't cry please don't cry.
Trying to keep tears from escaping you squeeze your eyes as hard as you can.

"Y/N" Your friend calls out knocking on your door tentatively.


"Um, there's someone in the living room who wants to talk to you." You sigh, slowly getting out of bed and open the door. You friend gives you a small smile and retreats to her room without telling you who was waiting in the living room. You step out of your room and walk towards the open space only to see the guy you love standing there looking too interested in his shoes. Your heart speeds up and you start to feel nauseous.

"T-Tom?" His head snaps up and your eyes meet for the first time in weeks. He looks tired with his red eyes and unruly hair. You looked about the same; emotionally and physically exhausted.

He reaches for his back pocket and takes out the note you had left him. "I'm sorry I couldn't be good enough," he reads then throws the note to your feet "Are you kidding Y/N? You stop talking to me, move out and leave me with that?" You could feel that he was getting angry.

"You don't understand" you say barely speaking up.

"How can I understand if you don't tell me how you feel, if you don't try to explain to me what's going on in your head. Because I want to help. So, let me - let me try to understand and help you. Please Y/N" He pleads.

You close your eyes and take a deep breath. This is exactly what you wanted to avoid, an upset Tom asking you to talk about your feelings. You let out the breath you were holding and start to speak.

"It all became too much, I just couldn't handle it"

"You should've talked to me about it damnit! That's what people in relationships do, they communicate." He says angrily running his hand through his hair.

"Well, I didn't want to bother you and anyways it's not like you reached out. You stopped talking to me too" you reply making him roll his eyes.

"Did you ever think that I didn't reply because I was scared? You're not the only one who gets insecurities Y/N." - Shit, I didn't think about that- "I figured you found someone else who could be there for you like I can't." his eyes started to water and you immediately felt terrible.

"Tom, I love you I'd never just leave you for someone else."

"But you still disappeared and all you left was a vague note. Do you have any idea how much that hurt?" He says wiping his tears away.

"Oh Tom, I'm so sorry...I didn't mean too." Your heart broke at the sight of him being so upset. You forgot that your insecurities could affect someone else just as much as they affected you.

"I'm sorry too, I should've asked if you were okay. I guess we both messed up" He admits.

Tom walks up to you and grabs your hands. "If this is going to work, if we're going to work then you have to talk to me. I want to know what's going on in your brain darling." He smiles softly at you and you return his smile.

"Okay, we'll talk more. I promise."

"And I promise to never go another day without talking to you. I love so much and I never want to lose you again." He says before leaning closer and kissing you softly.

"I love you too Tommy."

You knew that you'd feel insecure again, it was normal after all. But next time you would talk to Tom about it instead of letting yourself drown in bad thoughts. In that moment, you felt so incredibly lucky to have someone as loving and understanding in your life. 

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