Second Hand Love - PART 2

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A/N: Here's part 2 to Second Hand Love! It's just pure angst and a bit of cheesiness. Let me know if you liked it 😌

The loud knocking on your door wakes you up from your dreams. Groaning you reach over to your night table grabbing your phone to check the time. The brightness from your phones causes you to wince, your eyes not yet used to the light.

"Why is someone knocking on my door at 9am on a Saturday" you mumble to yourself whilst getting out of bed and throwing on a sweater to warm your body from the air-conditioned air. The knocking ensues again and you make your way to the door to see who was responsible for your early wake-up call.

You knew it wasn't Tom after all it had been a month since you cut off all contact with him. About two weeks in he was still coming to your apartment and pleading for you to come outside and talk to him. You had been able to almost hear the tears welling up in his eyes as he banged on the door for you to let him in. It was painful to hear him sound so exasperated but it would've been more painful to be face-to-face with him. Especially with the feelings you still harboured for him. He gave up after a few days when he realized that you weren't going to speak to him. You figured that he was better off not knowing the reason why you started to ignore him. Anyways, he had a lovely girlfriend he could go home too, so he didn't need you. Well, that was what you kept telling yourself.

Your feet patter on the hardwood floors indicating to the person behind your door that someone was coming. The knocking stopped just as you unlocked the door and turned the knob opening it ever so slightly to see a disgruntled looking boy you knew oh-so well.

"Harrison, what are you doing here?" you ask tentatively despite knowing that he was probably at your doorstep on Tom's behalf.

"Cut the bullshit Y/N. You know why I'm here." His cold tone surprises you. Harrison was almost as sweet as Tom and you had never heard him raise his voice or say something mean.

"Did Tom send you?"

Harrison shakes his head. "He doesn't know I'm here"

You cross your arms attempting to look like you were going to stand your ground. "Then you should go. I have nothing to say to you" He rolls his eyes at you and scoffs.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me why you stopped talking to Tom. What's the problem Y/N?"

"Look Haz, I really don't want to talk about it. Can you please just leave me alone?"

"Fine. But you should know that Tom's a wreck. He hasn't been able to sleep or have a laugh since you blocked him. He's confused Y/N and worried that he did something to make you leave." Harrison looks at you with contempt in his eyes and guilt starts to creep in.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't tell me that, tell Tom." With one last sigh, he turns around and leaves you to your thoughts.

It was hard to hear but you knew that Harrison was only trying to look out for his best mate. The only problem was that he couldn't magically make your feelings for Tom disappear and you needed time to get him out of your head, and heart. Then again, maybe you did owe Tom an explanation. You figured that if you came up with a good enough excuse he would leave you alone for longer but wouldn't think that you hated him.

Which is how you ended up walking down the familiar hallway and stopping in front of the door to Tom's flat. Knocking on his door you feel heart rate pick up at the sound of him walking towards the door.

Your chest tightens as your eyes fall onto Tom. He was wearing his favourite pair of grey sweatpants, which he always wore low on his waist exposing more of his smooth skin. Tom's hair was a mess with his curls going in different directions. He looked like he'd been in bed for days but with no sleep. The bags under his eyes told you that much.

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