Birthday Celebrations (BestFriend!Tom)

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It's your birthday and you're absolutely plastered. You're dancing at a club and having the time of your life. You start making out with some random hot guy until Tom pulls you away against your protests.

"Hey! What are you doing, I was having fun" you whined to him as he rolls his eyes at you.

"You're plastered Y/N. Do you even know what he looks like?" You pause trying to recall the strangers face, but nothing.

"He has hair and lips" you reply laughing. Tom chuckles knowing that he'll definitely be the one taking care of you tonight. He truly didn't mind, even when you were drunk he found you adorable.

"Alright darling, let's go sit down in the booth." He puts his arm around your waist letting to support your body and help you walk.

"I like it when you call me that." Tom gives you a funny look.

"Call you what?"

"Darling." You sigh happily and nuzzle into his chest making Tom blush. "Can you call me that instead? Pretend you don't know my name anymore."

"Sure darling, whatever you want." He smiles down at you and notices that your birthday tiara was slightly tipped to the left, your lipstick was smudged and yet you looked absolutely beautiful to him.

The two of you make your way to the booth where Harrison was sitting. All your other friends had already left as you had danced them out. You sit down across from Harrison and lean into Tom's side as he puts an arm around your shoulders.

"You're so pretty Tom." You reach out and poke his cheek.

"You're prettier" He says, giving you a loving smile.

"But Harrison is the prettiest!" you exclaim.

"That's true." Harrison replies smugly.

"When we first met, I thought you were really hot" You say to Harrison."

"But not anymore?" He asks while trying to hold back his laughter.

"No, it's different now because of Tom." You sigh and look at Harrison. "I think I love him. But you can't tell him!" Harrison chuckles at your order and nods. Tom's heart stops at your drunken confession. He couldn't believe someone as wonderful as you had feelings for him.

"I promise I won't tell him Y/N." You smile and close your eyes. Snuggling deeper into Toms arms you get comfortable to take a quick nap.

"I'm gonna sleep now." The boys smile as you quickly slip away into slumber. Harrison looks up and gives Tom a pointed look.

"I told you she liked you." Tom sighs.

"She's drunk Haz. She probably didn't mean it and won't remember any of it in the morning." Harrison rolls his eyes at his daft best friend. You'd confided in Harrison in the past about your feelings for Tom, as has Tom about his feelings for you.

"Excuses, excuses." Harrison shakes his head at Tom. "You're going to have to tell her eventually you know."

"I can't Haz. I can't risk our friendship like that." He looks down at your sleeping figure and looks back up at Harrison. "I just love her too much." Harrison stays silent acknowledging that Tom was too scared to tell you how he felt.

"I should probably take her home now." Tom tells Harrison. He agrees and Tom picks up bridal style carrying you out of the club and into an Uber.

It had been a successful birthday party for you but the night had to come to an end. 

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