Another Date - BestFriend!Tom (Part 4)

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A/N: Here's the fourth and final part of Another Date! I tried to make the ending fluffy for you guys, so hopefully it's good!

Warnings: yelling/anger, the first bit could be a bit triggering for abuse victims so please don't read if a couple fighting makes you uncomfortable.

'Can you please come over'

A few hours after you sent that text to James, he finally showed up at your place. You knew what you had to do, even though it would be extremely uncomfortable. Breaking up with James was the right decision, you keep telling yourself. The feelings you had when Tom said he was in love with you were unlike anything you'd felt before. But, they also indicated that you shouldn't be with anyone else. Feelings like that don't just go away and truthfully you didn't want them to. You wanted to be with Tom, not James.

You open the door for James and he walks in confidently. You lean against the door after closing it behind him.

"What's wrong babe?" He asks seeing the guilty look on your face. You take a few steps forward, closer to James and look him into the eyes.

"I think we should stop seeing each other."

"Where is this coming from?" He asks taken aback.

"I'm just not feeling it anymore" you mutter.

"Is this because of that guy?"

"Um, what guy." you reply unconvincingly.

"Don't play dumb" he snaps and you tense up. "You've been screwing that guy Tom behind my back, haven't you?" he starts to walk towards you.

"What? No, of course not"

"Are you lying?" He takes a step forward and instinctively you step back, hitting the wall by the door.

"No" You repeat, now a bit scared.

"Tell me the truth!" He yells and slams his fist against the wall behind you. You inhale sharply, flinching at his actions. This was not okay and you weren't about to let someone talk to you like that. A sudden rush of anger surges through your body, giving you the energy needed to push him away from you.

"Get the hell out!" You yell and push him a bit harder, making sure he's not close to you anymore. "Leave and don't you ever speak to me again."

"Whatever, I don't need you." He snarls and walks out, slamming the door behind him.

You exhale the breath you were holding in and lean your head against the wall. You were glad James was out of your apartment. His sudden change of behaviour was terrifying, you hadn't seen it coming but you knew who did. Tom knew exactly what kind of person James was the second they met. Even though he might've been a bit jealous considering what he told you earlier today, he was still right about James being a dick.

Still a bit shaky from your confrontation with James, you decide to call Tom. He's the only person who could make you feel safe right now and you know he deserves an explanation for why you ran away from him at the café.

"Tom?" You whisper through the phone when he picks up.

"Are you okay Y/N?" He could hear the strain in your voice and his heart started racing, scared that something happened to you.

"Um, can you come over?"

"I'll be right there." He hangs up and quickly makes his way over to your apartment. He didn't care that you'd run out on him earlier. He only wanted to make sure you were okay.

Tom walks in and spots you on the couch under a fluffy blanket. He sits down on the couch next to you and you launch yourself into his arms.

"I'm sorry I ran away. I didn't mean too." You whisper into his chest, talking about earlier this morning. "I was just scared."

"It's ok Y/N." he rubs your back softly, soothing you. You both stay like that for a few minutes, no one daring to speak and ruin the moment.

"I broke up with James." You say breaking the silence.


"He, uh, he wasn't very happy about it."

"Did he hurt you?" His voice hardens at the thought of anyone laying a finger on you.

"No, he didn't touch me. I was a little shaken up but I'm better now that you're here." You snuggle into his chest and he squeezes you tighter. "Thank you for coming."

"Of course," he hums. "I'll always be here if you need me." You tilt your head up ever so slightly to stare into his deep brown eyes.

"I love you too Tom."

"You do?"

"How could I not? You're the most amazing guy I've ever met." You lightly brush through his hair as he stares at you with adoration.

"You're my everything, darling" He says lovingly. He starts to slowly lean in, lightly brushing his lips up against yours. You mimic his movements but press your lips a little harder against his. He takes that as a sign to deepen the kiss and brings you closer to him with one arm while the other reaches up so his hand caresses your cheek.

You stayed in that moment together until you both had to pull away to breathe. Soft but scattered breaths signalling that the kisses you'd just shared felt equally amazing. You settle your head back onto his chest and sigh contently.

This was what you've been needing, someone who genuinely cares for and loves you. It was also what Tom needed, someone who loved him with all their heart. Your only regret was that you hadn't recognized your feelings for each other soon.

It was going to be a bit of an adjustment going from best friends to something more. But, you'd make it through, your love for each other never faltering.

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