Another Date - BestFriend!Tom (Part 3)

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The next morning you arrived at your favourite coffee shop. The drinks were pretty normal but the baked goods were so delicious and they had the cutest décor. You ordered your usual and took a seat at your favourite booth. Tom walks in and quickly gets his order before sitting across from you in the comfortable booth. Tom starts to look around the café avoiding your gaze before he opens his mouth to speak.

"So, you and James?"

"Yeah, we're sorta dating. But, it's nothing too serious."

"Cool." Tom nods and you smile.

"Yep" you awkwardly take a sip of your drink and think of something to ask him, hoping to ease the tension. "What about you? Did you see that girl again, from a few weeks ago?" Tom purses his lips and frowns.

"No. Haven't spoken to her since then."

"How come?"

"Going through stuff." He replies curtly, not giving you any information. It was odd for Tom to be quiet, he usually loved to talk. He could probably talk for hours on end but today he seemed nervous. You couldn't pinpoint exactly why he was giving off a weird vibe so you decided that asking wouldn't hurt.

"So, what's wrong?" You question him.

"Nothing." He replies curtly.

"Well you're the one who wanted to talk and you're not doing much of that right now."

"Well maybe I don't want to talk right now." He snaps then sighs and apologizes.

"It's okay" you say softly. "Um, I've got another date with James this weekend." You volunteer hoping that it'll get Tom talking.

"From what I saw, he seems like a dick." Tom says bluntly. You stare at him, stunned at what he'd said.

"Excuse me? You don't even know him."

"Yeah, but I know you and you deserve someone better than that wanker."

"Are you serious? You ignored me for three weeks so what makes you think that you know what I deserve." You snap at him and he narrows his eyes.

"I told you, I was going through something"

"Going through what? We're supposed to be friends and yet you haven't been telling me what's going on. You just keep avoiding it or leaving whenever I bring it up" You start raising your voice getting more and more irritated with him.

"Well maybe I don't want to be friends."

"Why are you acting like this?" Tears start brimming in your eyes. "Just tell me what's going on, this isn't like you." He starts grasping at his hair, something he did when he wanted to say something but couldn't figure out how. "Spit it out Tom."

"I'm in love with you okay!" Tom shouts. He sighs and slumps his shoulders. "But I know you don't feel the same way"

"Wait what?" You stare at him in shock.

"I know you're into James but I needed to tell you how I feel before things between you two got serious." He goes on trying to explain things. Your mind starts swirling with thoughts and you lean back into your seat, needing to take a minute to process what Tom was telling you.

"Where is this coming from?" you ask quietly even though you were still a bit stunned.

"I realized it over a month ago. But you kept going on Tinder dates and telling me I should do the same. I did try to get over you..." He hides his face in his hands feeling ashamed. "That's the real reason why I was ignoring you okay."

You quickly grab your phone from the table and get out of the booth.

"Where are you going?" Tom's eyes widen at your actions.

"I have to go home and think," You murmur still fazed by Tom's confession. "I'll talk to you later."

Tom's sad gaze follows you as you walk out of the coffee shop. He slumps into the booth upset with himself. He now thought that he did something wrong by admitting how he felt. He would've kept his feelings in for longer but, he loved you so much and he just had to tell you.

When you walked outside of the coffee shop you could barely breathe despite being out in the fresh air. You'd think that being Tom would be an easy choice but you were already starting something good with James. You weren't sure if throwing away what you had going with James was a great idea. Then again, Tom was your person so how could you reject him?

When you got back home your mind started to feel a little clearer. You knew you had an important decision to make, but were you going to make the right one? You take out your phone and create a new text message.

'Can you please come over?'

You press send and sigh hoping that you were doing the right thing. 

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