Slowly Falling

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If either one of you was brave enough to ask the other one out, you probably wouldn't have been in this situation for so long. It was no secret, to most people, that you were head over heels for Tom and that he was crushing on you. But, instead of coming clean about your feelings, you both just kept up the flirty banter you had, the cuddling and the cute texts.

It was so close to being a proper relationship but the two of you still labeled it as being close 'friends.' Most of your friends didn't understand how you two weren't already a couple, considering how you met.


It was the cheesiest thing to have ever happened to you and frankly, you still wondered if it had all been a dream. You had recently moved and were looking to find your new to-go coffee shop. You stumbled into this cute little combined café/bookstore and fell in love with it. The café part of the shop was small but they had a few tables and one cozy looking booth. Their menu featured all sorts of drinks, from raspberry hot chocolate to different coffee concoctions.

You bought a small mocha and started to walk around the bookstore part of the shop. It was like a maze full of tall shelves of books. They had just about every category you could every dream of. At the back of the store they had an archway of string lights going from the comic section to the romance section. On the floor, there were 3 beanbag chairs for people to sit and read. That was when you saw him in real life for the first time. He was sitting in a red beanbag chair and reading an old Spider-Man comic. You recognized Tom quickly, being a fan of his and of Spider-Man. You slowly approached him until you nervously stood by the beanbag chair he was using.

"Big Spider-Man fan?" You ask, jolting him from the interesting comic. He looks up and saw you awkwardly standing in front of him. He smiles and nods.

"Yeah, been a fan since I was a kid"

"Me too. Not sure how I feel about this new Spider-Man though." You say faking disinterest. He raises his eyebrows at your words and closes the comic book.

"Why's that?"

"He just seems like he doesn't know what he's doing." Tom purses his lips and you hold in a laugh. "I'm just messing with you Tom. I'm actually a fan of yours." He lets out a low chuckle and stands up.

"You really had me going there uh-"

"Y/N. Sorry about that, couldn't help myself." He shakes his head with an amused grin.

"S'alright, I'll forgive you if you tell me your favourite Spider-Man character."

You took a second to think about it then answered him. The two of you spent a few hours in that book shop talking about Spider-Man, the MCU and fan theories. When you realized how long you'd been in there for you apologized and said that you had to get home. Tom asked for your number and you gave it to him, hopeful that something was brewing between you two.

Obviously, Tom had gotten in touch with you. He had asked if you wanted to come over to watch a movie. Eventually, it became a routine for you two. When you wanted to watch movies, you'd go to Tom's and when he wanted to watch TV or just talk for hours on end, he'd come over to your place. He loved he loved hearing your fan theories about your favourite TV shows and you liked hearing about Tom's on-set antics. There was also a lot of flirty banter between the two of you and loved how affectionate Tom was.

That's how you and Tom ended up stuck in this limbo, you're not dating yet you're more than platonic friends. Over time, different situations had brought up the question of what you two were, some provoked by friends and others just happened.


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