Hospital Visits

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A/N: I was inspired by the gifs of Tom visiting those children in the hospital. He's such a lovely human being so I wrote this.

Every Tuesday and Thursday you would volunteer at one of the big hospitals in your city. You felt that you had so much to give and helping cheer the kids in the pediatric wing seemed like the perfect thing to do. All the children were so lovely and you loved spending time with them. One of your favourite things to do was seeing their cute little facial expressions when their idols came to meet them. Plus, it was super fun to meet some of your favourite actors and musicians.

This particular Thursday was one of those days. The kids were almost jumping up and down in excitement. The kids who were healthy enough to get out of bed were gathered in the play room to meet one of the Marvel superheroes.

"Y/N! Did you hear who's coming today?" One of little girls asks excitedly.

"No sweetie I didn't. Do you know?" You crouch down to her level and she gives you a big smile.

"Yes! But it's a secret. Nurse Olivia told me." You fake gasp and look around, pretending to make sure that no one was listening.

"Can you tell me? I promise I won't tell anyone." You whisper to the little girl. She nods her head quickly and leans in closer to whisper in your ear.

"It's Spiderman!!!" she squeals.

"Wow! That's so exciting." You exclaim, now just as excited as the four-year old standing next to you.

"Okay everyone, your special guest is on his way up so gather around" One of the nurses says trying to wrangle all the kids together. Your heart starts to beat 10x faster at the thought of being in the same room as Tom Holland. You've been crushing on him since Civil War, so this was a dream come true. You helped the nurses calm the kids down a bit, glancing at the door every few seconds to see if Tom had arrived.

As you were helping a little boy sit in a chair some of the kids let out cute little "hey's" and some even squeals. Your head whips to the door and you stop breathing for a second. Tom looks even better in his spidey suit in person.

"Hey kids! Who's ready to have some fun?" The kids all yell out 'me' and Tom laughs. He takes off the Spiderman mask and ruffles his hair. His smile gets even bigger as he comes closer to the kids and starts interacting with them.

After 40mins of Tom playing and talking with the kids the nurses announced that it's time for them to eat then rest. As they filed out to get back to their rooms, you stay back to help clean-up the play room. You start putting away some of the toys left lying on the ground and you hear someone coming up to you.

"Excuse me, do you know where these go?" You turn around to see Tom smiling and holding a bunch of kid's toys. He had picked them up to help you clean.

"Y-yeah, you can put them in any of the bins over there." You point to the row of colourful bins overflowing with toys. He thanks you and goes over to the bin.

"So, do you work here?" Tom asks, walking up to you again.

"No, I volunteer here twice a week. The kids are just so great to be around." You reply smiling.

"That's amazing! They seem so lovely." He grins at you and then sighs. "I wish I had the time to come and visit more often."

"You're a busy guy, you shouldn't feel bad about it. Just come back when you have time. I'm sure the kids would love it, even if it's months later." You reassure him.

"Thank you darling. That's very kind of you to say." He replies making you blush.

"No need to thank me, it's just the truth. These kids look up to you so much and meeting you just the one time has already made such a huge impact in their lives." Tom looks at you admiring how happy you looked talking about the kids.

"I really appreciate that." He says softly. You both pause for a second, creating a comfortable silence. "I don't think I got your name earlier?"

"Oh, its Y/N."

"That's a pretty name. Well, Y/N I'm Tom, if you didn't already know that." He gives you a cheeky smile and puts his hand out. You giggle and shake his hand.

"Nice to you officially meet you Tom."

"I know I just got your name but I have to leave soon. Could I get your number?" he asks shyly. You blush and nod. He takes out his phone and hands it to you. After putting your number in and handing his phone back to him, his manager comes in saying that it was time to go.

"It was lovely meeting you, hopefully I can see you soon?"

"You too and of course I'd love to see you again." You smile at him and he returns your smile. He hesitantly takes two steps closer to you and quickly kisses you on the cheek. Your blush deepens as he backs away.

"Goodbye love."

"Bye Tom." When he walks out of the play room you give a small squeal and let out a sigh. You knew today was going to be amazing. 

Tom Holland ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang