The Scarred One...

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Halo! I decided to create a Hetalia character that I made sure was never used; The Byzantine Empire. So basically, I own him and YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!!!

Unless you ask to borrow him of coarse... Hehe. It might be a little vulger at the beginning because... in the description, those things that he does to survive... He's a prostitute. He's no longer strong enough to protect himself and also all his family is gone so he sells himself because that's one of the only things he sees he can do since nobodies ever given him a chance at anything.

It won't be too bad. Promise, and I hope you enjoy this rollercoaster of romance and tension.

By the way, he looks like the picture on the right. Cute right? He has blonde, curly/ wavy hair with beautiful amber eyes. His skin is light with a slight tan (A little ligher than Ancient Rome). It's the only picture like this I can find so just use your imagination. ^_^

The Scarred One... (Germanyx Oc Character)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora