Chapter lll: The Scarred One... Revealed

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Chapter lll: The Scarred One... Revealed


Here I stand... in shock... in confusion... Zhat boy... tried to... kill himself...

Earlier That Day


I wake up before the sunrise... I get changed slowly since I feel kind of sick. My forehead burns and my body shakes as I do so. I walk down the stairs to the kitchen... grab an apple from the plastic bag on the counter and place it in my bag, next to my... gun, before I start walking to school.

I've had one in there since Middle School... not for protection from bullies or what not... for accessibility. I almost used it on several occassions but... talked myself out of it... 

The sun begins to rise as I walk down the quiet streets. A ghostly fog covers the ground making it almost impossible to see... something that's not unusual to me... My vision has always been clouded... with pain... suffering and heart braking.

Father always told me to try and remain positive no matter how bad things got or how bad things seemed... but that wisdom was lost many years ago... along with many other things... Dreams, love, virginity, innocents... and so much more. All that remains is a shell of who used to be there.

The fog begins to lift as I get to school. The hallways are filled to the rim of students and staff doing their normal morning routine... but as I walk by slowly, coughing every minute or so, I can feel the eyes of judgment fix on me, more and more by the second.

I get to my locker and sit down on the floor, leaning against the wall slightly. I place my apple in it along with some books when I hear a cracking sound. I pull ut my books... and see my tiny, silver rusted mirror had broke. Pieces of the glass fall out as I pick it up and land on the floor. In the mirror... I see a face... without a mouth.

Tears begin to swell in my eyes as I place it back in my locker before closing it. When I try to stand up, I fall right back down coughing my heart out. I can feel peoples eyes watching every move I make... and then... I can feel his presence.

I slowly try my best to get up by leaning against the wall and forcing my way up when I see Him standing there. That stupid, blonde German with those cold blue eyes. I cough again even worse than before unable to catch my breath in between.

"So this is the super lame person you were talking about Ludwig." The guy with glasses says loud and obnoxiously. He laughs along with the guy who has 3 eyebrows... but this 'Ludwig' doesn't. He just gives them a stern look and they stop. When he turns back to where I was, I had disappeared down the hallway.

Everything is starting to become blurry as I stumble through the hallway, trying to get away from those guys. As I walk away, I can hear the German yell at me to stop and for people to stop me... but no one does, they just watch me stumble around and cough violently.

I stop fleeing... when I hit a dead end. I look frantically around trying to find somewhere to go... but all I see are lockers, walls and a paned glass, arched window. I turn back around and see Him standing right there along with so many people. I back up against the window and face my head away, eyes closed. Tears slide down my cheeks as I cough heavily.

"Just do it..." I say softly.

He tilts his head slightly and steps forward slightly. "No vones going to hurt you..."

I shake my head slowly. "They already have." I cough loudly and even arch over a little.

He looks at everybody in confusion, then steps slightly closer. "How?"

"THEY ARE THE ONES WHO KILLED ME! STOLE EVERYTHING FROM ME! ALL THOSE PEOPLE..." I cry out before coughing again, this time, I couldn't have one breath of air. I  can see everybodies faces starting to get darker and darker...

"No vone has taken anyzhi~"

I interrupt him by shaking my head again. "All are the same... They hurt... they take... they took my father... they ripped out my soul... they made me a slut! ALL OF THEM! THEY MADE ME THE MISERABLE HOE I AM!" Tears pour out of my eyes while saying this...

Most those listening don't believe what they heard... the others aren't since they are the ones who payed me for... 'fun'.

"Please... let me help you." His cold blue eyes... they're... not harsh as I thought... They're soft and gentle. He extends his hand to me... and I almost take it... untill I slap it away.


"That's not true..."

"STOP LYING TO ME! NO ONE HAS EVER WANTED TO HELP ME! NO ONE HAS EVER SEEN ME! THE ONLY ONES WHO HAVE ONLY DID BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO F*CK ME!" I loose it... and pull out my gun and point it to my head. Girls scream and people start backing away... but that boy stays...

"WELL YOU CAN'T!" I drop my bag and all my things spill out... my broken mirror, my 'appointment' book, and my journal I named 'Suicide By the Needy'. He picks up the book and reads the title. Those who had been backing away, watched as he read it aloud.


"Stop! Please... You don't vant to do zhis..."

"Yes I do! It ends my suffering! It ends my pain!" He cries out before bursting into a symphony of endless coughs.

"But zhen you hurt so many... you hurt me..." He looks at me vith his pain-filled amber eyes.

"Why do you care about me..." He asks me in a soft voice.

"Because you are somevone vho hurts and... I vant to help you." I take one more step forvard to the boy and hold out mien hand. "Please... give me zhe gun."

"No..." He's calmed down... but tears still roll down his smooth cheeks...

Vith vone more step, I can reach zhe barrel... and pull it out of his hands, unload it and throw it to zhe floor...

I look back to zhe boy and I see his face start turning vhite. And soon, he passes out and falls to the ground unconscious.

Soon zhe police and ambulances arrive and take zhe boy avay... School vas let out early from zhe event... I couldn't just go home yet... I picked up his bag and zhis before heading to his locker. I pull out zhe small, green apple and zhe books from zhe locker... I have to see him again...

The Scarred One... (Germanyx Oc Character)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang