Chapter lV: The Hospital Visit

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Chapter lV: The Hospital Visit


I vait in zhe hall... vaiting for zhe doctors to give me a sign... anyzhing zhat vould tell me he's fine.

Hours go by slowly; patients travel the halls with loved ones, nurses walk past talking about zheir social life and doctors enter zhat guys room... No... his name is Eragon... or zhats vhat zhe books says... I feel... so bad; so ashamed of myself...

The books dates back to vhen he vas around 3rd grade... Vhen I vas sitting at home, vatching television and eating vurst... he sat on zhe streets of zhe city, begging for money to buy a small apple from behind zhe barber shop, at zhe illegal black market set up because prices at a bodega vhere too expensive... fending off zhe molesters and rapist zhat tried to take him...

Vhen I vas having birthday parties and going to movies and parties... he vorked zhe whole day... barely making enough money to survive... as zhe only zhing he could... a whore to zhe vanting... because of vhat he vas told about himself...

One particular line keeps on repeating in my head from zhe entire book... Repeating ever so often... "I wish I was never born... I'm nothing more... than what people pay for me." It just kills me... reading it... in several entries... he said he zhough of taking his life... but decided against it... because he hoped somezhing... or somevone vould change his life for zhe better... but over time... his hope... became a burden.

As I finish zhe 8th chapter titled "10th and Alone", all zhe doctors zhat occupied Eragon's room diffused into zhe hallvay... I close his book and grab vone of zheir arms.

"How is he?" I ask relatively fast. She sighs and sits me down in zhe chairs next to us. She then takes a quick, shallow breath.

"He's... one of zhe strongest patients I've seen..." I tilt mien head slightly before she continues explaining.

"He's... been through a lot. He has lived with extreme malnutrition for about... all his life... he's gone through much physicall trauma from various weapons... and still managed to stick himself... he is underweight by a 30 pounds..." I listen intently vhile trying not to start crying like a baby. She stops suddenly as if she remembered somezhing...

"Vhat?" I ask semi-scared. What he said... back at school...

"Dispite his weak immune system... he's been able to fight off some of the most deadly disease... including AID's but... there's something... this time that is killing him... little by little... eating one small part after another..." She is getting really annoying now... Vith all zhe extra vords and vhat not.

"Vhat?" I ask impatiently.

She looks to me and nods slightly. "He's dying... because he's lived a full life... in less than 20 years... the boy you know... is just what you would call, a "shell". Everything that once was, is physically gone. His soul, his emotions; all gone." A small, translusent tear falls from her eyes as she closes zhem and looks down to her hands.

"May I see him?" I barely can ask from how choked up I'm getting. She nods slowly... right before I race to his room. To my surprise... he's awake... facing zhe vindow, looking out into zhe beautiful garden of lilacs and roses... illuminated by the soft glow of exterior lights.

"Eragon..." I say softly, placing his bag down on zhe chair near zhe door. He doesn't look towards me... but I can see his hurt body tense up... For some veason, zhey didn't put vone of zhe standard greenies on him...

I valk over to the other side of the bed, reachig my hand out to touch his soft looking hand... before stopping myself. "Eragon... please... talk to me..." I vhisper softly looking into his watery, amber eyes. He just continues staring out into zhe beautiful flowers outside of his vindow.


I bite my lips trying not to burst into tears... I vant to help him so much... but I don't know how... "Vhy vhat?" I ask playing dumb to try and continue to zhe conversation.

"Why did You come?" He asks as he slowly turns avay from me and zhe garden, to face the vindow looking into zhe hallway. I can feel a single tear slide down my cheek as I vatch zhis... I stand up and sit at zhe end of his bed... I look at all... zhe scars left by so many... all zhe times people have hurt him... makes me mad... and upset...

"I-I said I'd help you..." Slowly... but gently, I place my hand on his arm... He doesn't react... He just allows it, vithout any resistance... nothing. His skin feels... cold... and rough... "Is it alright if I... touch you?" I ask softly...

He doesn't respond... but I can hear him start to cry softly... in pain... I don't know.  "Vhat's vong?" I ask removing my hand quvickly from zhe surface of his skin.

"No ones... actually asked me... that... All they've done is take..."

"Eragon... I'm not hear to take, I'm hear because... because I know how it feels to hurt and, I vant to help you... so much... but, I don't know how vithout you telling me... vhat you need." His soft sober turns into a full on cry fest; I can see his grip on zhe sheets of zhe bed tighten. I vish I could just... go back in time and save him... vhen he vasn't in zhis bad of shape... with no self esteem... no one...

I get up vonce more, valk to zhe ozher side of zhe bed facing Eragon's tear stained face before kneeling down to have direct eye sight of his face. "Eragon... please look at me..." I say softly vhile using my hand to gently brush away some of his beautiful golden hair from in front of eyes...

He opens his eyes slowly... and reveals himself... In those eyes... All I see is darkness... self-pitty... death... I sigh quickly before closing my own eyes... and gently... kissing Eragon on his pale, pink lips...

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