Chapter VII: Nothing Left To Lose

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Chapter VII:


Light... not darkness, but beautiful, soft light. In sleep, you see black, but I saw white. I felt the soft touch of an angel against my cold, limp body... and I could feel the energy of life flowing back to me like a gentle, flowing river; strong, pure, full with beauty. It seemed... as all bad in the world... just melted away and as if I was born a new; sharper, wiser, in peace, and with hope.

Slowly, my eyes open and I jolt up in confusion. This room... these clothes... where the f*ck am I? I try to get up, but then all the pain from last night, come flying back and hit me like a loud of bricks, causing my breathing to sky rocket and my body to tremble; I can't even lean up anymore, for the pain was excruciating.

I gasp loudly and tears easily escape my weakened figures. Right then, someone bursts threw the door. "Eragon!" It was that blonde, Ludwig.

He comes over to my side and lies me back against the soft pillows, gently bringing the soft blanket up to my chest. Taking a seat next to me, he strokes my shoulder softly... and that feeling from that dream comes back.

"W-where am I? Why a-am I here?" I ask still breathing hardly. He just sighs and stokes my forehead with his thumb, moving some loose hairs from my eyes.

"I brought you to my house after... after finding you last night... I changed your bandage vhen ve got here and put some varm pajamas on your ice cold skin." He says softly. My face burns up and I remove my eyes from his face; I can't make his gaze... I'm too ashamed, too... low, sad, disgusting.

"Eragon, please... look at me." He says in a pleading voice, but I don't. Not until his soft hand forces my face to look at his. Those beautiful, electric blue eyes only show heart break to me... but why does he care so much about someone so insignificant as me?

"Why?" I ask breathlessly before shaking my head out of his grip and turning back away from him.

"Because I... I care about you. I feel protective of you. I want to-" I've had enough of this crap. I jolt back up disregarding the pain and stare daggers at him.

"Why! Why do YOU care? Out of everybody, why you? Only one other person had cared for me; they  promised never to leave! But in the end, they left me to this hell of a world. SO WHY!?" I yell my rant. My eyes jolt open in shock after I realize what I did... and this time, I just lie back down on my side, facing the opposite wall, away from Ludwig. I don't want to hear his anger and I guess I should just wait for him to rape me out of all the trouble I'm causing him; it would at least give him some payment.

"Eragon, vhy do you always pull zhe victim card? It's so low."

"Because I have nothing left to loose..." I whisper softly as tears begin to fall down my cheeks.

" Eragon, I'm trying to help you... but if you continue playing zhis game, your going to lose probably zhe one person who actually cares about you. Zhink about it." That's all he said before leaving the room, closing the door behind him, leaving me to my seclusion once again. I'm worth nothing; and all I'll do is ruin his life... like I've ruined so many before this hell I was forced to live.


"How is he?" Mother asks as I close zhe door behind me. I just sigh and shake my head.

"He believes he's vorthless." I say softly vhile valking past mien mother and mien father, heading tovards zhe stairs.

"After everyzhing vritten in zhat book, you'd understand vhy." Father says as I turn to go down. Before I do, I look back to zhem and frown.

"But I don't."

Down stairs, in zhe kitchen I grab mien box of cereal and a yellow bowl from the cabinet. Already at zhe table vas Prussia, eating his cereal vith milk in a grey bowl vhile reading zhe paper. He looks to me vith sleepy eyes, but zhen perks up vhen I pour mien food into zhe bowl.

"You literally let zhat whore stay here?" He says in disbelief and disgust. Zhat, was zhe last, thin straw.

"You know vhat! It's people like you who made him like zhat! And I'm tired of hearing you and all of zhem put him down! You are just as guilty as all zhose guys who f*cked him into submission, digging knifes into his flesh, slicing them so much zhat only a small layer of skin still remains together to keep his body enclosed!" I scream at him, slamming zhe box down onto zhe counter and slamming my hands around his bowl and stare at him dead straight in his red eyes.

"Because of people like YOU, YOU vere zhe one zhat turned him into your personal whore! Go and claim your prize!" I say before turning and leaving him in shock. I promise you Eragon, I vill alvays protect you and love you!


"Don't promise that..."

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