Chapter VI: Confessions

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Chapter VI: Confessions


"Huh!" I gasp loudly under the dirty, warm hand covering my cold mouth. A sharp pain erupted from my trembling body as the feeling of a knife scrape against my abdomen.

"Shhh..." His dark, ominous voice rang as he bit down on my bottom lip, causing for the taste of rich blood to seep into my mouth. I began trying to struggle free, but the sharpness of the blade caresses my neck, freezing any motion I had done.

Slowly, he does as he pleases; pulling my hair and jerking my head; listening to my shrieking screams as he forcefully entered; digging his claw-like nails into my very flesh, listening to my suffering.

After an hour of enduring hell on earth, he finally left me; in pain; in suffering. Bleeding across the white bed spread that I had found a while back. Shocked, scared, cold, I feel; No reason to live on. Over the last several days, the life I once knew of seclusion had been reduced to what would only be that of a memory, in my vast world of darkness. All know me; my name is like a disease, powerful and uncontrollable, spreading to those who don't even know my face, just that they know that I'm for sale...

I lay there, not trying to tend my wound; letting the blood spew slowly from my body. The thin sheet lies down at me feet; a cold breeze sending shivers up and down every fiber in my body. I curle up into a ball while liquid spews from within me as the coldness of death caresses my cheek. I am dead.

I jolt up with a scream as a warm hand touches my shoulder; he's back. I can hear him jump back as he too was freightened; why would he, would would want to see this? A defensless, hopeless, dead person who is the biggest slut out of them all.

The soft hand grazes my forehead gently as I lay there, waiting for him to return himself to me; instead, I feel something warm, and soft covering my skin. Slowly I open my eyes to see the twinkling, bright blue eyes of him; that perfect boy who all had wanted to be, everyone except me. All I want, no... all I wanted was to be normal, but that dream has passed away along with everything that was of good.

I can feel his hand reach down to my inner thigh, cold and still wet. Instead of what I thought, he sighed and turned away, reaching in a bag for something. I watch intently as the perfect angel does his job, grabbing some towels and blotting at my abdomen, stopping the bleeding which has forced me to be white as death. Once he wraps a bandage around my waist, he covers me  up a warm, big blanket.

His eyes still pierce through the darkness of night, the moon being the only source of light. His soft hand rests on my wrist, content and loose, not trying to hurt. No words escape my mouth, I just gaze into those pure, blue eyes; watching them twinkle magestically in the moon light until darkness over takes my heart.


Zhere he lies, alone; cold; raped into submission. His tan skin, white as a ghost; zhose rich amber eyes, veak and hurting. I can't allow him to live like zhis any longer. I vait until he falls into a deep sleep, holding his cold hand gently in mine, vaiting.

Vhen his eyes close, zhat's vhen I act. I talked to my parents about zhis and zhey agreed vith me completely; he needs help... because I... I don't know at zhis point. I feel... protective of him or somezhing. After seeing him, zhat day in school almost taking his life; after reading zhat book he wrote... Somezhing sparked. And zhat kiss in the hospital; my emotions are so confused. I feel so sad vhen I see him, yet happy and... varm? Is zhat possible?

I gently vrap him in zhe comforter I brought vith me and carry his light body to my car; placing him in zhe passenger seat, trying not to vake him up. Resting his head on zhe window, I go back into his house and grab his zhings; his bag, his drying uniform from outside, but zhen I stop at zhe dresser.

Zhough faded, you could still see the rough coloring of Superman, Flash... Captain America... Zhat vas Alfred's... He got rid of it years ago and... Eragon has it. Still in mint condition from last i saw it. Man, ve used to beat up zhat zhing so much vhen vere younger, playing superheros and villains in Alfred's room. But zhat vas a long time ago.

I return to Eragon, softly closing my door and driving home. I had asked my parents to have zhe guest room made for vhen I came back vith Eragon and zhey said yes. My brother zhough... he's going to be zhe hard sell... he already zhinks Eragon is a whore and a disgrace to man kind, but vth each vord he said, zhe more I vanted to hurt him. More specifically, kick his fricken ass for being just as bad as ALL zhose whose caused zhis!

Eragon is just a boy, scared, and alone for crying out loud! He didn't bring zhis upon himself, it vas zhe vorld and zhe vay events took place zhat made him zhis vay. He doesn't deserve zhis... pain... he deserves someone to love him and protect him... and, I vant zhat person to be me.

I vant to be zhe person who vakes up next to him and hug him close, kissing zhose soft lips and tell him how beautiful he is and how lucky I am to be vith such an extraordinary man. I vant him to know zhat I... love him.

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