Chapter ll: Something's Not Right

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Chapter ll: Something's Not Right


"Please...huuuUH! Don't..." I whimper softly because of the pain.

"Shh... Don't worry... I promise... I WON'T LEAVE ANY VISIBLE MARKS." Right then, I feel something sharp pierce my skin right above my nipple. I try to scream... but my mouth is covered by rough, dirty hands.

The entire time, I cried softly... because the pain of... someone else inside and hurting... me...

He left me around midnight, leaving money on the bed next to me. A small blood pool had formed next to me from being cut by him... The gash wan't to bad; it's too small to stitch so instead, I just try my best to wash it out and cover it.

I cleaned the sticky mess off my face slowly, trying not for it to get into my hair and then... cry myself to sleep like every night for the last thousand years... ti̱s zo̱í̱s mou... (in my life...)

Morning came faster than I thought. The rising sun danced over my eyes, waking me up. The sun is like my morning xypni̱tí̱ri (alarm clock); if you wake up because of it, your going to be late for school. If you wake up before it, you have plenty of time to do nothing except think about how your life is going down-hill and maybe... just maybe, thinking to end it... Perfect morning in ta mátia mou (my eyes).

The walk to school was longer than usual for some reason... Probably because I wasn't singing... instead, I was crying. This is one of those days that you feel like your nothing and you shouldn't have been born or you just want to disappear from this earth... Well, I've already disappeared and wish I wasn't born so anything else!? Oh yes, when you feel like you want to die... I forgot about that.

Surprisingly, I get to school just in time for 1st period which is unusual. Usually, I get to AP History late and have an excuse saying like... 'Oh, I almost got hit by a car walking here.' Or 'I'm sorry but some of us are less lucky than you.' When it comes to teachers... I try not to be a smarta** but sometimes... I just can't help letting loose some of my anger and pain; it hurts too much to try.

After school, I went to our normal room for cooking club and it was locked. On the door, it said in tiny print under the huge 'DO NOT ENTER', cooking club was disbanded because it was deemed 'paravíasi̱ ti̱s ygeías' (a health violation). I guess rat traps all over the floor and falling apart stoves finally became unsanitary and unsafe. So... I guess no dinner. Great...

My locker isn't far from here, so I walk up the flight of stairs and down the hallway to my locker hallway. This time, I look before I turn and see him standing there... That blonde blockhead with those icy cold blue eyes. How did he figure out where my locker was... there is about a hundred in this 'wing'.

Unfortunately, I have to get in my locker because I have homework to do and it's in there. I wait for several minutes hoping he would leave... but he doesn't budge. He probably want to beat the cr*p out of me for what I did to him yesterday...

Eragon's Flashback

"Answer me for god sake's! Are you okay!?" his voice rings throughout the hallways and corridors.

"Get off me!" I say softly, but forcefully. He doesn't comply to my order.

"Get off of me!" I repeat louder. Right then and there, I spit in his eyes and push him backwards before running away, down the hallway. He was screaming bloody murder, in a different language, at me for doing this but I don't care... He'll get over it... eventually...

I run in straight 'home' to find a previous client waiting for me in my room and wanting some... fun... so, I told him he had to pay and that's that.

~End Flashback~

 I take a deep breath and walk into my locker hallway. I carry my books low to guard my lower body and keep my head looking to the left for which my locker is on the left side when he stands on the right of the hallway. My locker is broken so it's always open but since nobody sees me, I don't worry. And if their desperate enough, they can have my stuff. All I keep in my locker are books for my classes and maybe an apple for lunch, which is unlikely.

I open my locker and grab the correct binders with my homework in it when I hear the slow footsteps of the German from behind me. I have really good hearing which is weird since I'm not disabled... Well, physically at least...

"You thought you vould get avay vith vhat you did!" He says loudly and upset. I don't reply, I just continue putting my things in my bag. This kind of threw him off.

"Uh... Hell vith this! It's time to teach you a lesson!" He screams even more upset. Right then is vhen I feel him turn me around and push me up the neighboring locker. He took my things and threw them across the floor, so far that they slid for a couple of seconds. His hands grasp my shoulders... and it hurts. My face is pointed away from his, my eyes are closed but tears stil manage to seep from them.

"Just... do it..." I whisper.


Something... strange happened. He just started to cry but... zhat not vhat struck me as odd. Vhat vas odd vas he had already given up and vas vaiting to be beaten... 'Vhy am I beating up zhis kid vhen zhere is obliviously somezhing vrong here?'

I loosen my grasp on his arms and back avay. He justs... stands zhere... as if he vaiting for something bad to happen... Soon zhough, I leave him zhere. I had a  triple date vith my friends Arthur and Alfred I couldn't miss. But zhe entire time zhere, I couldn't get his poor, defenseless face out of mien head. Him just standing zhere, vaiting to be beaten... Vhat am I going to do about zhis is a good quvestion...

A/N: The picture is of Byzantine in color. His hair is honey blonde but in the lighting of the picture it looks more on the brown side. Just letting you know. Comment please. ^_^

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