Chapter V: I'm Sorry

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Chapter V: I'm Sorry


I valk through zhe hallways slowly, unable to zhink of anyine, anyzhing besides him. After that kiss in the hospital, he just turned around and cried even harder; so I left... and haven't spoken to him since. He returned to school only yesterday and everyzhing vas different. He vasn't treated zhe same; some pittied him, some vanted to dominate him, some vanted for him to drop dead.

Every time I saw him, he just looked avay from me vith a deep crimson blush... He hates me... He doesn't vant to talk to me from vhat I did. I valk into the locker room after school and take a cold shower, punishing myself before football practice. I took advantage of him vith that kiss... and, now more than ever, I felt so ashamed of myself.

All throughout practice, I could hear zhe guys talking about him. Most of zhem vere saying how they started sleeping vith one eye open to make sure 'zhat slut' didn't rape zhem and zhis infuriated me. It took almost all mien strength not to strangle each one of those a*sholes, one by one. Alfred and Arthur vhere on zhe side lines vatching and vhen I vas pulled off zhe field for 'almost dislocating a shoulder', zhey call me over.

"Dude, Ludwig! Come over here." Alfred said waving his hand ridiculously.

"Vhat? If I get caught talking to you guys, I vill be shot on sight from couch." I say taking off mien helmet and holding it in between my arm and chest.

"Are you alright? You almost sent someone to the hospital in that last play." Arthur says raising his 3 eyebrows. I couldn't help just to vatch them. "Yeah, seriously dude. Wassup?" Alfred says going in. I just sigh and shake my head.

"It's nothing." They both at the same time gave me the 've're not zhat stupid' face before frowning. "Vhat!? I said it vas nothing."

"Dude, just tell us!" Alfred says starting to get annoyed; Alfred agrees vith him.

"Fine! My father is zhinking of leaving my mother!" I came up on zhe fly hoping zhey vould by it. Zhey both looked at each other and I slightly bit at the bottom of mien lip. After a moment, zhey just frowned at me and shook their heads lightly.

"Bummer man." Alfred said breaking the silence between us. "If their is anything we can do to help, just ask us Ludwig." Arthur adds as if he still doesn't buy zhe entire story.

"LUDWIG!" Scheiße! I turn back to zhe field, seeing coach staring at me vith daggers in his eyes. I gulp vhile pulling my helmet over my head and returning to coach. He nodded his head once, and I knew vhat to do; 8 laps around zhe track under 10 minutes.

I vas basically coughing up blood vhen I finished just in time; 8 laps under 10 minutes is practically impossible! Now zhat I zhink about, only a hand full of people actually have completed it, others vere sent to zhe hospital. Even zhough coach has had many complaints from zhe parents and school board, his record shows talks. He coaches one of the best teams in the country and has been offered many jobs as professional coach but declined because he wanted to teach children.

Zhat is true commitment and all I can do is return it. For zhe rest of practice, I just canceled everybody out and zhough about him. Zhe little tingles I got from touching his skin, though coarse and cold; zhe softness of his golden hair; and his soft lips... god! Am I... in love vith him? I know I kissed him... but vhat does it mean!?

I'm so confused... I never zhought I vould love a guy... yet here I am, zhinking nonstop about one; vanting him to talk to me; vanting to touch him; vanting to make him happy. Yet, he doesn't even vant to talk to me... becuase vith zhat kiss, I became zhe same person who did everyzhing to him, all zhe pain and suffering... How could I be so stupid!

 Driving home, vhile scolding myself, I stopped at zhe supermarket. I forgot my mother asked me to stop and get some milk and eggs during my lunch break so better late zhen never. Zhe supermarket vasn't packed vhich vas weird for Fairway but I guess since it's a Wednesday, it's to be exspected zhat everyone vas still in rush hour traffic.

As I pass zhe deli/vegetable area, I see him. Picking out beautifully ripe, green and red apples and placing zhem into a bag. His golden hair shinning in zhe light; his thin outline vas vhat vorried me zhe most; zhe doctors told me how underveight he is. I watched as he picked up one of zhe green ones and smelt it's vibrant scent. GOD! How much more sweet can he get?

Slowly, I gather the courage to go over to him... but get scared off at zhe last second. How can I approach him vhen I know he hates me? It's kind of killing me. Vith a sigh of sadness, I valk over to the register.

"Good evening." She said vhile scanning my items. I nodded slightly deep in zhought. How can I get him to open up to me... "13.56" She says finishing her scanning.

I jolt out of my thought and look at her in shock. "13.56!? For milk and eggs?" She shakes her head no and picks up a small bouquet of roses. "If you want to get him to open up to you, these should help." She said with a soft smile. Even zhough she did zhat vithout me knowing, I couldn't help but smile back at her. She vas right and I knew it.

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