Chapter 1

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You stood there looking at yourself in the mirror. It was a beautiful mirror, decorated with elegant gold trim. You were standing in the allfather's bathroom. You fixed a strand of hair that had come loose and walked out into the living area.
It wasn't an odd thing that you were in his room. Odin had been like a father to you. After you had lost your own father, at a young age, Odin and Frigga had taken you in. You never knew why they had chosen you, instead of letting you be thrown in the orphanage. They had always avoided the question if you had asked, until one day you just stopped asking. You heard the door open and shut, turning around to see Odin, walking into the room.
"Allfather," You said. You had startled him, causing him to jump slightly.
"Oh, my dear, y/n. How can I help you?" He asked, a little nervous. You waved your hand and the illusion disappeared, revealing Loki.
"Hello, Loki," you said.
"Y/n, it's been awhile," he replied, annoyed. "How long have you known?"
"A couple weeks," you said.
"How did you figure it out?"
"Little things here and there. The way you sit, things that would slip out of your mouth, also I've known you and Odin for years, you aren't very much alike. Oh and then there's the whole building of the giant statue of yourself. Odin loves you but he would never build a statue in your honor."
Loki walked over to the bar and poured himself a drink. You could tell he was annoyed with you, but that was nothing new. Frigga had taught and trained the two of you together, which meant most things turned into a competition. You weren't that far apart in age, either, he was only about 50 years older. He had never liked you, and you would even go as far as to say he hated you.
"Why do you continue to do this?" You questioned.
"Continue doing what?" He responded.
"Continue to make everyone think you're dead, what do you get out of it?"
"Well, I did get Asgard, but honestly, it's fun."
"You're hurting your people and your brother."
"What has anyone here ever done for me?" He snapped at you. You could see the anger in his eyes.
"They saved you."
"They stole me. Do you even know what happened?"
"Actually, I do. Back when Thor had been banished to earth, when Odin had fallen into an Odinsleep and you were ruling as yourself. I pulled the memory from Odin, because I was interested in why it had effected him so greatly. I saw everything that happened. I watched him walk into the temple, that your parents put you in to keep you safe. You, as a little blue baby, laying next to Casket of Ancient Winters. When he picked you up, your skin changed to match his, probably because he was he first one to hold you in any sort of caring way."
"Yes, he stole me."
"No, Loki, he spared your life, instead of killing you."
"Only to use me."
"I won't disagree with you on that. He saw the potential and abused it. Only learning to love you, once he saw your worth."
"Why are you here?" He asked.
"Just wanted to make you aware that I knew it was you. It gives me something to hold over your head," you smiled.
He was furious with you, now. He looked around and grabbed the closest thing to him and threw it at you. You used your magic and shattered the plate, before it hit you. You laughed, as you made your way towards the door.
"You'll have to do better than that," you said, before shutting the door behind you.
You wandered aimlessly through the halls of the palace. Thinking back on the times you had spent together as children.

"Loki!" You yelled.
He tried to run away from you, but a golden whip appeared in your hand. It wrapped itself around his feet and with a quick snap back, sent him falling face first. The whip became a rope and bound his hands and feet. He laughed, as you stood there, angry and dripping wet. He had just pushed you into the palace fountain.
"It's not funny," you growled at him.
"You're right, it's hilarious," he replied.
He made the rope disappear and stood up. You started towards him, with a knife in your hand.
"You shouldn't run with sharp objects, especially when your wet," he said.
He waved his hand and a puddle appeared before you. You slipped and the knife went flying out of your hand. It started to come down, headed straight for you. You covered your face.
"And you should always watch your back," you said, behind him.
You watched as the knife went right through your body. Your illusion disappeared, as the knife clattered on the floor. You held a knife to his throat. He put up his hands in defense.
"Smart move," you said.
"Alright, you win this round," he responded. You smiled smugly, but it was soon wiped off your face. He grabbed the hand, that held the knife and flipped you over. You landed hard on the ground.
"Don't lower your defenses," he said.
You swung your feet around, knocking his out from under him. He fell just as hard, on his back, next to you. You tried to punch him, but he grabbed your fist. He punched you and you tasted the blood in your mouth.
"Loki!" Frigga yelled at him, walking into the room. He let go of your fist and jumped to his feet.
"Mother," he replied. Frigga made her way over to you and helped you to your feet.
"Are you alright, dear?" She asked you, wiping the blood from your lip.
"I'm fine," you told her.
"Loki, what were you thinking?" Frigga questioned him.
"I... uh... I," He stammered.
"You know better than to punch a woman," she scowled. She turned to you. "Y/n, go clean up."

Rivals (revised) Loki x reader lemonWhere stories live. Discover now