◾️When you see them again

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You saw him the next day, he was in the hallway having a discussion with two guys that you never seen before. You noticed that the two males had age difference and they almost looked related. You looked over at Shiro who was, to your surprise, staring directly at you. You tensed up and nervously waved at him. He smiled at you and waved you over, you blushed slightly as you walked over to the group. He greeted you and introduced you to the two gentlemen. Their names were Matt and Mr.Holt you instantly took a liking to the two.

You ran into him later that day, you apologize for you weren't paying attention to where you were going. He looked at you with an intense stare, was he mad? He sighed and walked away leaving you utterly confused and slightly embarrassed. As you were about to walk away, you noticed a figure in your way. He looked at you with his blue eyes, a playful smirk across his features, it was something about him. He introduced himself as Lance McClain, and told you not to worry about a guy like him, to which you guess he was referring to the guy from earlier. He you told his name was Keith and that he's "nothing but trouble." He then asked if you wanted to have a student tour, that was probably not going to last long, but you agreed and you two were off.

That day you decided to search for your cadets. I mean making new friends is awesome yeah? You walked into the cafeteria, it being lunch time you decided to search for them there. You were scanning the room when you spotted Lance, you walked over to him and you two immediately started chatting. He told you Hunk was taking awhile in his last class and that Pidge didn't want to eat. You two talked through out the lunch period and he told you he had to go for his last class, apparently his professor is really strict. You both bid goodbye and you decided to go outside for a bit, when you went out you saw a very familiar guy, you smiled and ran over to them. It was Keith, he gave you a small wave and you two sat in the cool breeze watching the sunset set.

You saw him the next day at the cafeteria. You forgot how rushed this place can be after morning classes, due to people not getting breakfast at all. You eventually grabbed a tray and decided to find a place to sit. After minutes of searching you just gave up and sat at the nearest table. When you sat down you looked over at the group who was also sitting at the table. Your eyes widen when you noticed a familiar guy, a smile spread across your face as the guy looked over at you. Hunk told you to come closer to the group, assuring you they don't bite, you obliged and went over. He introduced you to his friends, Lance and Pidge. Lance immediately flirted with you, making you slightly uncomfortable but you just smiled. When you and Pidge started talking you took a immediate liking to him.

The next day you were in class, you were day dreaming to much even pay attention to the lesson. You were hoping that your letter from the Garrison comes in today and that you got accepted, going there for you would be a dream come true!
You sighed as you looked around the classroom, to your surprise everyone seemed out of it, maybe because it's a Friday. You saw a girl that looked familiar, she had her hair in a side ponytail. She looked over at you with a puzzled look, you shyly waved at her, she turned her attention back to the teacher, you shrugged it off and continued daydreaming.

It was later that day, after the 'new' paladins were done with their training, they finally worked as a team, not so much as ideal as you thought, but you guess a goo fight can settle anything in space. You were so proud of your baby brother! You ran over to him and started pinching his cheeks, he groaned and started swatting your hands away. I was interrupted by Allura who asked if she can talked to me, I was a little hesitant by how calm she was, she wasn't so much a ray of sunshine to me when we first arrived then again, she was in a sleeping chamber for 10,000 years. I finally agreed and followed her to a corner away from the group, they were a bit proud and loud to even try to ease drop. She told me about her being grateful for my encouragement to the team and that she's sorry that I couldn't get assigned a lion. You assured her it was no big deal, but that your happy to even be apart of the team. She thanked you again and the two of you joined the group with smiles. You walked over to your two buddies Shiro and Keith and congratulated them.

🧡 Coran
You saw him the next day, you immediately blushed as you noticed how messy you looked in your apron. You didn't want him to see you in such a mess, so you tried hiding away but it seemed you failed big time when you accidentally bumped into the queen. She turned around and gave you a sweet smile, you blushed out of embarrassment and bowed giving her multiple apologies, she assured you that it was alright. She walked with you to the kitchen and the two of you were discussing about your favorite things. The two of you really bonded over that short time and she waved at you goodbye as you decided to head back. Just as you went inside the kitchen, you heard pots and pans being dropped on the floor, it startling you instantly. You looked at who it was and it was Coran. You jumped as he looked at you, he rubbed the back of his neck in a bit of embarrassment and apologize, he told you he was looking for you and gave you a letter that was from the king. You were a bit confused until he told you it was a request from king Alfor that his dear old buddy Zarkon wanted for dinner, you thanked him and started to get to work. You noticed him not moving and saw he was looking at your attire you immediately blushed once again.

You saw him the next day and he was with a girl. She looked exactly like him. You were hoping deep down it was his relative. He looked over and saw you just standing there and waved you over. You walked over to him and he introduced you to his little sister, Katie. She gave you small smile, but it seemed a little off. He told you how his sister wanted to attend to the Garrison but she wasn't old enough, she looked about the age of 13 , I guess she needed to be a little bit older. You introduced yourself to Katie and she nodded, you felt a bit awkward now. You made an excuse and dismiss yourself from the two and went someplace else. As you were just randomly walking the hallways, you ran into bigger guy he caught your arm just as you were about to fall. He apologize and introduced himself, he told you he can tell you were new. You told him your name and he invited you for lunch. His name was Hunk Garret.

You were once again guarding the witch's door. You felt extremely anxious after the last time that group marched into the witches corridor like it was nothing. You felt completely and utterly embarrassed. You held your head high, even if it was 3 weeks ago you weren't going to let that bother you anymore. You felt confident with your next encounter with them. As if they knew what your were thinking, the same group came by but this time the girls stood by, and only the white headed guy walked into the room. You kept an eye on them who to which they gladly return the favor. Moments passed and the 'emperor' walked out the room but with the witch closely behind, she told him if he wishes go take one of her guards, he swiftly refused and walked pass me. The witch was now next to me, and I shortly turned at her as she was looking directly at me, I bit my lip, she looks 10x scarier in person. She called the guy's name, as he stopped and looked back at her. Prince Lotor? He's a prince!? She grabbed my arm, snatching out my thoughts and said that I should go with him. Both of our eyes widen, as we his group gasped at that request, more like an order anyway. She promised she wouldn't bother him as long has she knows that he's safe, you stood almost helpless. He took a long moment before finally agreeing to her, he looked at his group and nodded at them. They came over to you swiftly grabbing you by the arm rather harshly dragging you to wherever the hell they were going and the whole time you didn't mutter a word.

Another one done!! And more to come💕
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