✨❤️ First X-mas (Keith x reader) (2/5)

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✨This is a Christmas Special

This is just a random one-shot. I wanted to give you guys a special one ❣️

 I wanted to give you guys a special one ❣️

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Dialogue is in this
Enjoy it- A/N

You sighed as your boyfriend groaned, once again, in pure frustration. You looked over at what he accomplished, to see he was still stuck on his first task. Detangling the Christmas lights, he's been on that for at least 20 minutes, and by every minute mutters or curse. You giggled as you stop doing what you were doing and went over to Keith. You put your hand on his shoulders and squeezed them, he leaned down to get to his ear and kissed it. He sighed but not out of frustration, he seemed to calm down a bit.  "You want to take a break?" He dropped the lights and sighed throwing his hands in his hair ruffling it a bit. You smiled at his messy hair, you put your hand on his shoulder as you gave a small squeeze. "I'm sorry, Keith. I didn't want you to get frustrated on decorations." You snickering lightly. He got up and stretched.

"Don't worry about it. I didn't...mean to get frustrated." He said frowning.  You smiled as you cupped his cheeks, you leaned in and he met you half way capturing your lips in a chaste kiss.

"Alright, Keith. How about you do the gingerbread houses and I would do the lights for the naked tree."You said smiling. Keith looked down at the lights and back at the table to where you were making the small houses. He nodded and you two switched. You began working on the lights, you noticed the knot in the middle of the bunched up lights. All you needed was to get rid of it and the lights should cooperate smoothly, so then you can finally decorate the Christmas tree. You did just that as you began untying the knot, it was a bit difficult but you managed.

"YES!" You shouted, startling your boyfriend from the peace and quiet. "Oh sorry, Keith." You spread the lights on the floor and walked over to see how your boyfriend was doing with his new task. You looked over his shoulder and noticed the work. "Wow, these look nice. You did very- wait...where's the fourth one?" You said frowning. You could have sworn you built four gingerbread houses. You looked at Keith and noticed his face, he had crumbs around his face.

"Damn babe. You ate the house didn't you?" You said putting your hands on your hips. He didn't say anything, making you sigh. You grabbed his arm and pulled him over to the tree. You smirked at his shocked face as he saw the lights not all bunched up.

"You did it? Uh good job." He said wiping his mouth from the snack he had a few minutes ago. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the lights, you twp began decorating the tree. The lights were neatly fitted on the tree and you two got the ornaments on the tree. "This isn't so bad, Y/N." Keith said a small smile forming on his face. Your heart fluttered when you saw his smile, it had took everything in you to not run over to him and kiss those lips. You sighed as you both finished the tree.

The both of you plopped down on his couch, you laid your head on his chest as you gazed at the tree. The lights were glimmering and shining, the ornaments reflecting it's precious light that it made the whole tree glow. It was too beautiful, you hoped that it was worth it for Keith to enjoy his first Christmas with family. 

"Why did you want to do all this?" Keith asked, his arm was draped over the couch behind my back. "Because, a sweet guy like you deserve the best. I thought spending the holidays with just me wouldn't be enough." You said smiling, he titled his head. "What are you talking about, I wouldn't-"

Just as he was about to finish his sentence, the door was knocked on. Keith tensed has he glared at the door, like he was dog on high alter. He waited as the door was knocked on again. He got up from the couch and picked a knife for his drawer. Your eyes widen as you saw him approach the door, "Keith wa-" He stopped at the door, ignoring you and held the knife at the base, he gripped the door handle and flung it open. He was frozen on the spot as he saw who was at the door. You walked over to Keith and nervously smiled at your brother and Shiro.

"Well isn't this a warm welcome." Adam said smirking as Shiro rubbed the back of his neck. You held onto Keith's arm as he lowered the knife. You welcomed the men in as the went over to set up the table, they brought over dinner. Keith stared at you with confusion, "Y/N?" He said.

"I wanted your first Christmas with me to special something you go back on and smile. So I thought it will be okay to invite people you care about, I know how close you are to Shiro, he's like your brother." You said holding his hand. "You deserve the best, because you are the best." You muttered, blushing a bit. Keith squeezed your hand has he kissed your cheek. "Thank you." He said, smiling at you. Your heart fluttered once again. You two walked over hand in hand to the table to began your first Xmas together.

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