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The forest was quiet as always, but it was peaceful. Wild animals were wandering around, searching for food. Felicity admired a wild doe looking out for her fawns. It was a beautiful sight.

Merlin was laying beside Daisy on a big stone, observing the wilderness. Occasionally he would go hunt for a rabbit, of course knowing Felicity wouldn't want to see him tearing the rabbit apart he did it in the bushes. Her furry friends were really smart and cared for her as she for them.

It was sunny day, so Felicity decided to wear a purple floral dress, though she frowned when she saw her thick thighs. She was trying to lose weight by running and doing exercises, but after some time she didn't have the motivation to do so.

Her father always said she got all her good looks from her grandmother when she was in Felicity's age. Her grandma was the sweetest person you could ever meet, always putting others before herself, always smiled, even if something went wrong, you could insult her and she'd laugh it off and tell you that you shouldn't be mean for others and that no matter what, you are beautiful on the inside and outside.

Norma Snow was a very religious woman, though never demanded others to go to church or tell them they are stupid for not believing.

When Felicity told her she was lesbian, Norma smiled brightly and hugged her granddaughter, telling her, "I'm so happy you've found your true self." Felicity couldn't be happier.

One day she got a phone from the hospital, she never ran that fast in her life. Norma's time has come, her last words were, "God has a plan for you. Just follow the Moon flowers." Felicity cried that night, holding onto her grandmas hand for dear life, wanting nothing more than her dear grandma back. She wouldn't see her kind, green eyes anymore, or that smile that brightened up everybody's day, she wouldn't hear her words of encouragement.

Mr. Rose just watched helplessly behind the window, he treated Norma as his own mother that he never had. After what happened to Felicity's mother, he didn't keep in touch, he just couldn't look into Norma's eyes, she'd hate him. That's why he preferred to be alone or with his loving daughter, he was just scared he screwed everything up.

Felicity everyday cleaned her grandmothers grave and brought fresh flowers. She prayed and prayed, begging God to take her life instead, but just bring back her grandma. It never happened.

Two months later she began helping people, by selling her clothes, working 12 hours in a coffee shop and cleaning houses. When she got the money, she bought food, shoes, t-shirts, drinks and gave it to the poor people she saw on the street.

Her grandma taught her to treat people with kindness and help those in need. And that's what she did.

Now looking up in the sky, Felicity wondered if her grandma's watching her in this moment, if she's proud of her. Maybe she's mad I didn't end school, that I was a coward and moved out with dad..

She felt soft fur under both her palms, Daisy was on her right and Merlin left. They sensed something was wrong, and wanted to cheer up their friend.

"Thank you." she whispered.

She laid down on the grass. Daisy's and Merlins heads on her plump belly. She closed her eyes and drifted off...


This is more of a filler (???) some more backup story, idk. Sorry for errors! Hope you enjoyed, next chapter will be soon published (when I write it xd) thank you for reading! Mwah! 💋

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