Going to the club

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Y/N's P.O.V

Quick background on who you are: Basically you are a quiet girl who tends to stay at home instead of going out but you aren't afraid to show a strong and scary side of yourself. You have 3 best friends and a boyfriend of 2 years. Your best friends are called Tiffany, Lucie and Alice.

Right now, you were on your way to your boyfriend to surprise him for your 2nd anniversary. You opened the front door to his apartment and made your way up the steps to the 3rd floor. When you finally reached the door, you took your key that he had given to you and unlocked the door. Slowly, you opened up the door and stepped inside. When you were inside you immediately heard noises echoing through the walls. It sounded like moans and groans which of course worried you. Carefully you walked over to the closed bedroom door and put your hand on the knob, hoping to walk in on him sleeping or something. Quickly you opened the door, revealing him make out with a girl while she was undressing his thighs. Your heart sank to your feet and the smile that was plastered on your face was gone. They didn't notice you until you coughed purposely. Your boyfriend looked up at you with a shocked face. The girl beside him, covered her upper body with the blanket from the floor.

Marc (your bf): Babe oh my god I didn't know you were coming over. I'm so sorry I-

Y/N: So you just wait until I'm gone and have sex with other girls behind my back.

Other girl: It's not my fault he finds me this attractive! Right babe? *looking at Marc*

Y/N: We're over.

You slammed the bedroom door and threw the front door keys that he has given you on the floor before storming out and running home crying. When you reached your home, you completely broke down and called Tiffany to tell him. She decided to come over to you. When she came over, you just talked and cried trying to calm down...


Tiffany: So common let's go out! I'll invite Lucie and Alice. It'd be a good distraction.

Y/N: I'm not sure if I want to.

Tiffany: I promise you would feel better if you just went out.

Y/N: mmmmmm...


Y/N: Fine.

Tiffany: YES! Ok I'm gonna go invite the girls and we'll meet them at the club. Let's go get you and outfit.

At the club

As you were about to enter the club, you stopped the girls and they all turned to look at you.

Lucie: What's wrong?

Y/N: I don't know if I can do this... why did you make me dress in this?

Tiffany: The boys are gonna be all over you.

Y/N: Not necessarily what I want but ok

You looked down at your outfit that Tiffany had chosen for you. Currently you were wearing a tight dark red dress that went down to your tights (almost knees) and showed your clevage. You were usually a sweater type of person and only owned that dress because Tiffany had bought it for you. You rolled your eyes embarrassingly as you were pulled into the club. There was music playing loudly and rooms filled with people jumping. Carefully you scanned the room, taking in the people that were surrounding you. Immediately you noticed a group of handsome men standing on the other side of the room from you. As you were staring at them, one of them turned around (the only ones whos back was against you) and and make eye contact with you instantly as if he knew you had been looking. You attempted moved your eyes away from him but it seemed like a force wasn't allowing you to. He started obviously checking you out but somehow you didn't give him a "fuck off" look. He gave you a head nudge like he wanted you to come over but Alice interrupted. You were sort of happy though since he seemed like such a playboy and you were... well the opposite.

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