Walking back

847 38 15

Y/N's P.O.V

As you were walking back, you kept looking around at everything going on. Around you was only trees, brushes and plants. You couldn't see an actual road from your point. Namjoon was discussng what was going on with Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung were talking and stuff, Jin and Jimin were just walking next to each other and Yoongi was walking behind you, pressuring you slightly to walk faster. You tried to look to see if there was a way for you to sneak off and leave them. Now that you were outside, this was probably your best opportunity. You couldn't handle being in the basement, you couldn't handle them sucking your blood when they felt like it and you couldn't handle not being able to eat regularly. From the corner of your eye you saw a small spot that you could hide in. Namjoon was about to lead you and the boys, over a small bridge which was where you were planning on escaping. Your heart began racing as the bridge neared. There was a large bush that would be easy to hide in. As the bridge was about to come up Yoongi came up next to you.

Yoongi: don't.

Y/N: what?

Yoongi: I know what you want to do. Don't.

Y/N: I can't deal with you guys.

Yoongi: And you think we won't notice immediately when you leave. Vampires have a really good sense of smell and we'll find you in minutes. In the club, we were all looking at you because of your scent.

You looked down at the old wooden bridge that you were now walking over, sighing loudly. Was this going to be your life forever...

As you reached the house you slowed down your speed. This was the first time you saw the house from outside. It was huge. There were 2 visable floors and an attic. The exterior was made of old brown bricks and the roof was made like a normal roof. Once by the large wooden door, Namjoon opened it up and everyone walked in except for you. You stood outside, staring in to your own hell. You didn't want to go in. Namjoon rolled his eyes before approaching you.

Y/N: *still staring inside* I can't go in.

Namjoon: Sweetheart, you don't have a choice.

Y/N: Please...

Namjoon: Common, we won't do anything.

Y/N: So do vampires lie a lot?

Namjoon: Go inside now.

Y/N: I can't

Again Namjoon rolled his eyes and came closer to you. When he was right in front of you, he lifted you up quickly over his shoulder. You screamed a bit at first when he throw you over him and walked inside but when he threw you back down into the sofa you just stared at him quietly.

Namjoon: Go to bed.

Y/N: I'm not tired.

Namjoon: I said go to bed.

Y/N: I said I'm not tired!

Namjoon: Jungkook.

Jungkook: yeah?

Namjoon: Take her to her room.

Jungkook: ok.

Jungkook came over to you and looked you up and down cockily. You did your best to stare rudely back at him but hes intensity scared you a bit. He laughed as if he was making fun of you before harshly grabbing your wrist and pulling you upstairs. Because he was a vampire, his grip was a lot stronger than you a normal person and hurt a lot more than most grips would. He dragged you up the stairs and over to your room, throwing you in and onto the floor before slamming the door shut. You scrapped your elbows on the wooden floor and hit you butt hard. Slowly, you got up and began stomping around the room. You tried to open the bedroom door again but Jungkook must have locked it. Out of rage, you started banging on the door and screaming.


When you didn't get a response you started walking around the room again trying to figure out a way to leave. There was one large window that you went over to. Lucky for you it was a window that you were able to open. You opened it quickly and looked out. Seeing that you were on the second floor, you knew you would need to make some sort of ladder for yourself. You scanned the room and only saw your bed, a desk and a closet. After considering, you decided to rip up your bed sheets and tie it together to make a long rope. It took you about 15 minutes to rip it all and another 10 minutes to tie it all together. You went back to the window and threw the "rope" out quickly. You tie one end of the rope to your bed and began climbing down quickly. You kept thinking you heard voice so you would look around before continuing down. When you reached the end of the rope you had to jump about 2 meter and a half but you didn't care at this point. When you had jumped down you started running straight away. From the house there was about 50 meters of grass before there were trees everywhere. You ran as fast as you could without looking back before someone grabbed you from behind. You felt a cold hand cover your nose and mouth and yourself being completely dragged into the trees. Your heart began racing as you were pulled by a completely unknown stranger. This was it, you were going to die.


No author's note :)

Vampires // BTSUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum