Other vampires

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Y/N's P.O.V

You were on your way to the other "people" when you froze still. The boys all noticed and stopped. Jungkook and Jin rolled their eyes and stared at you bored. Jimin came over to you and resting his hands on your shoulders. You looked up at him.

Y/N: I'm scared.

Jimin: Don't worry, we'll protect you

Jungkook: I told you this girl is weak didn't I?!

You glared at Jungkook and he laughed.

Jimin: let's go Y/N.

You nodded you held yourself close to Jimin as you continued walking. You all walked for another 10 minutes before Namjoon stopped everyone.

Namjoon: ok boys, you know what to do. Y/N, stay close to me now. Also, I might need offer to have sex with their leader.

Your eyes widened.


Namjoon stormed up to you the second you began screaming and held your wrist tight in one hand. He grabbed your waist with the other to be dominant and closened his face to yours.

Namjoon: *in a sexy ass deep voice* If I ever hear you scream at me again, I will make sure you don't have the ability to speak ever again. Got it?

You simply nodded out of fear and he let you go and started walking again. Finally after another few minutes of walking, you reached the house that you were going to. You all stood in front of the main door and Namjoon took a step forward to ring the door bell. He stepped back next to you and you decided to quickly put his arm around your waist and move closer to him to act more like a "couple". You looked over at him from the corner of your eye and he seemed pleased with you as of now. You managed to take a couple of breaths before the door was opened up and a male was revealed.

Namjoon: Good afternoon.

Mark: Come in.

You all walked in with Namjoon holding you close to him. You all went in to their meeting room where there were plently of people. As you walked in you felt extremely intimidated and was about to drop character but Namjoon tapped your back making you stand up straight again.

Jackson: Who's the girl?

Namjoon: She's my girlfriend

Jackson: She's hot.

Namjoon: Thanks.

You smiled seductively at Jackson and bit your bottom lip making him lightly chuckle at you a smirk back. You felt really uncomfortable but did your best not to show it. There were 2 chairs in the room of the table. Namjoon sat down on one of the chairs, patted his lap for you to sit on it and held your thigh with one hand once you were sitting. On the other chair was their leader Sehun who was clearly eyeing your body. Around Sehun were other men that looked more buff and bigger than any of the boys around you. They were a lot more people too so you didn't think the boys would have a chance, making you nervous.

Sehun: Who is that?

Namjoon: It's my girl.

Sehun: Damn how were you so lucky.

Namjoon: Donno man

Sehun: You just gonna keep it for yourself?

Namjoon: You want her?

Sehun: yeah come her baby.

Namjoon tapped your back and you stood up, smiling sexily at Sehun. You walked over him slowly and sat down on his lap facing him.

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