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Sorry for the shitting title (might change it later), Idk what to call this chapter without like giving anything away.

Y/N's P.O.V

You struggled as the unkown person held your mouth and covered your eyes, barely allowing you to breath. You tried to fight back by kicking and hitting but it didn't seem to have an effect on him what so ever. Slowly you became weaker and weaker as he held your nose and mouth practically closed. You continued fighting the pain and difficulty until you fainted in the strangers arms.

_______'s P.O.V

As I was carrying Y/N to a safe area I noticed that she stopped fighting me. I looked down at her a noticed that I was covering both her nose and mouth not allowing her to breath.

______: Oops. ugh whatever.

Since she had already passed out, I decided to just carry her bridal style over to the other boys. We had been watching her climb out of her window and walk away and only waiting for the right moment to take her. She became a big part of our plan ever since we saw her about a week ago. When I finally reached the other boys they all approached me proudly.

Sehun: Good job Jaebum!

Jaebum: Thank you sir.

Sehun: Get her up again and we'll continue the plan. BTS are gonna regret ever getting involved with us. They thought they took down almost all our men but I always have a plan b.

Jackson came over to me as I held Y/N and took out a water bottle from his back pocket. He unscrewed the cap quickly and took it off of the bottle before pouring it heavily on Y/N's face. She immediately started coughing so I released her from my arms so she fell on the ground. She continued coughing for a few more seconds. Once she had calmed down, Jackson took her arms behind her back and lifted her up so she was standing. Confusingly, she looked around at all the men surrounding her. We weren't a lot of people here because Sehun only wanted to bring his strongest men but enough to intimidate Y/N. She didn't say anything at first but just looked around. After a bit, she spoke up.

Y/N: What's going on?

Sehun: Hey babe

Sehun walked up to her powerless body and towered her, making her uncomfortable and scared. I smiled at how stupid she looked. Pathetic really. Sehun looked her up and down. She was soaking cold and dirty from being dropped to the ground. Sehun laughed pathetically at her.

Sehun: You thought we weren't going to come back for you after what you did?

Y/N: It's not like I wanted to.

Sehun: yeah, sure *rolls eyes* common boys, let's do what we came here for.

Y/N's P.O.V

Sehun: yeah, sure *rolls eyes* common boys, let's do what we came here for.

After Sehun said that, all the boys (expect Jackson cuz he's holding you) made a line before Sehun. Sehun came closer and closer to you, making you immediately know what was coming. He lowered his head to your neck and uses his strength to move your head to the side and shoulder down. Without second guessing, he sank his teeth down and starting sucking the blood out. You wanted to at least try push him off you but couldn't because your hands were being held behind your back. He continued sucking for an extended amount of time before finally releasing you. You started panting and completely lost the ability to stand up yourself.

Sehun: Who's next?

All the boys around you made their way to your neck and sucked your blood. By the time everyone had sucked your blood, you were almost faint. You couldn't stand or walk and you had to trust Jackson to hold you up. Your vision was really blurry and you could only see figures of people unless they came really close to you. Your mouth was open as you didn't have the energy to keep it shut.

Sehun: Good job boys. Let's go.

They all began walking while Jackson carried you almost making sure you were as uncomfortable as possible. As you walked, you realized that they were walking back to the BTS hell house. Because there was 50 meters of only grass before the actual house started, you and the "boys" were able to stand a long distance away from the house.

Mark: Now we wait

Namjoon's P.O.V

The boys and I were in the kitchen chilling when I began smelling a distinct and unusual smell. It took a minute or two but once I knew who it was I rushed to the window. There they were. About 50 meters away stood Jackson, Mark, Sehun, Chen, Seungkwan, Taeyang and... Jaebum. I used to be bestfriends with him. Then Jackson came and brought him to the dark side. I looked at each other them one by on, without caring that they saw me. I tried to come up with a plan until I saw that Jackson was carrying someone in his hands. It looked a lot like Y/N but how would she end up there.

Namjoon: Jungkook!

Jungkook: Yeah?

Namjoon: Where is Y/N?

Jungkook: In her room.

Namjoon: Go check real quick.

Jungkook: Ok.

We waited for about 20 seconds before Jungkook ran back down.

Jungkook: She's gone. The window is open and there is a shitty made rope hanging out!

Namjoon: She's right there *pointing out*

All the boys came over to me and looked to where I was pointing. They all seemed completely shook.


Usually I would just focus on killing the enemies and not what would happen to the innocent victim but this was different. I didn't want anything to happen to Y/N. I didn't really know why though... I looked over at Jungkook who was one of our most powerful members.

Jungkook: I don't know...

Namjoon: Common. They won't attack unless we actually try get close.

Everyone nodded and we ran over to the entrance. I opened it and we all walked out and stood in a line.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I knew that usually we went with the 'kill everyone present' plan but this was different. Somehow, seeing Y/N alone suffering like that made me want to protect her. Not in like a love way but more as if she was family. All of a sudden I felt bad for everything I had ever done to Y/N. For kissing her, for hurting her, for laughing at her and for wanting to leave her behind before. I sort of hated myself for feeling that way but I couldn't help it... I turned to Jin.

Jungkook: What do you thi-

Jin: We can't let them hurt Y/N...

I was shocked that all of a sudden we all wanted to protect Y/N. Maybe because now we were in a situation where she could get extremely hurt and we didn't have the full control to stop it...

Namjoon's P.O.V

Namjoon: What do you want Sehun!

Sehun: I think you know what I want!

Namjoon: Give us the girl!

Sehun: Well, since you didn't want to fight evenly with us we decided to do it our own way. So, if you want Y/N back, come and get her!


Hope you liked the chapter! I'll update as soon as I can <3

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