They're gone.

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Y/N's P.O.V

The next morning you woke up with huge eye bags under your eyes, covering what felt like half your cheek. Jimin wasn't there anymore, probably because he had already woken up or something. You rubbed your face before sitting up in the bed. You didn't want to do anything at the moment. The thought of every possible family member close to you being gone felt unreal. A few tears left your eyes and ran down your face before you decided to rub them away and go down stairs to the boys. You quickly changed from your short shorts to some grey sweat pants. As you were walking down the stairs, you could hear the boys talking and stuff. Once you entered, they all turned their heads to you. You didn't really react but rather just sat down in the last empty seat. They all got really awkward but you didn't even care at this point.

Namjoon: Good morning Y/N.

Y/N: mhm

Namjoon: Are you hungry?

Y/N: no.

Jimin: How are you feeling?

Y/N: bad...

Jin: Do you want to do anything today?

Y/N: no.

Jungkook: Are you sure you aren't going to at least get out?

Y/N: yes.

You still avoided contact with the men sitting around the table. There was a single plate on the table, put there for you but you didn't care. You just watched the white plate glistened, empty. The boys tried to push the food closer to you but you ignored them almost completely.

Jimin: Y/N, you should e-

Just as Jimin was talking about you eating, you pushed the chair back, making a loud squeak that interrupted his sentence. You didn't make eye contact with him but rather stood up and left the table. As you turned your back to him, you could feel his eyes follow you out of the room and up the stairs. As much as you wanted to hug Jimin at the moment, you didn't want to cry and was making the biggest effort not to. You walked like a zombie back to your room. While walking you heard footsteps behind you but didn't turn around until you felt a pair of arms reach around your waist and hold tight. You turned to see who it was and wasn't baffled to see Jimin standing there. He smiled slightly at you but you didn't react.

Jimin: I know, this sucks... a lot. But I'll do my very best to help in any way I can.

You looked up to his eyes. Now he was looking seriously at your. The more you thought about it, the more you wanted to cry. You kept your face in Jimin's direction but moved your eyes to the wall standing behind him. At the point you couldn't hold you tears back anymore. One tear slowly ran down your face but you didn't touch it. Instead, Jimin extended his hand and lay it on your cheek so he could wipe away your tear. As his hand reached for your face, you heart began to beat faster. Although you were absolutely devastated over your family, your heart seemed to warm up when Jimin touched you. You looked back at him in the eyes. He looked hurt too. You both watched each other, sort of enjoyed the company. His hands had now left your face and they were hanging by his sides while yours were hanging by his. The silence began to get awkward but you somehow didn't want to leave. Jimin must have sensed it because he took your hand in his and pulled you closer to him. He explored your face with his eyes as you did to him and admired his features. 

He eyes were large yet small and held a beautiful colour. His nose was very petite and made his face a lot cuter. His lips were one of your favourite features on him. They were plump yet didn't overtake his face. The perfect size. You kept staring at his lips. Not noticing that he was watching you watch him. That was until his lips went from a straight line to a slight smirk. You looked back at his eyes again and saw that he was staring at eyes and lips. Still with a serious face you looked at him and thought to yourself Why did you want to kiss him? Being in the moment, you leaned in to him, closed your eyes and pressed your lips against his. At first, there was no respond so you backed away again.

Y/N: I'm... I'm sorry I don't know what I-

A tear fell down your face. This time it was Jimin who interupted you. He pulled you close to himself by the lower waist and initiated the kiss this time.

 He pulled you close to himself by the lower waist and initiated the kiss this time

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Sort of like this if you know what I mean

He kissed your lips, as you slowly wrapped your arms around his neck. The kiss was calm and peaceful yet quick and intense. I was happy yet sad. The tear continued to roll down you cheek and slide between your and Jimins chin to the ground. A few more tears ran out your eyes but you were too focused on Jimin at the moment to care. The way he pulled you in to him. The way he let your hands roam his neck and upper back. The way your lips seemed to connect like a puzzle. You loved it all. In some ways you felt like the kiss was a way to forget about your family and you didn't want it to end. But, after a couple of seconds Jimin let go off you and took a step back. You watched him, still not smiling like you knew you wanted to. The boys were all you had now.

Jimin: I... You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that...

Y/N: me too...

Another tear ran down your face while slightly smiling at what he had said and Jimin again wiped it for you. He came closer to you and you wrapped your arms around Jimins neck and crashed into his chest, allowing more and more tears to fall down your face. He held you closer to him and rested his chin on top of your head while lightly rubbing your back as you continued to weep.

Jimin: I'm so sorry

Y/N *whispering*: Thank you...

Jimin: Y/N, please... can you eat.

You were still hugging Jimin, with no appetite but nodded at his request. You could feel Jimin smiling as you released yourself from the hug.


As you were laying in bed you began thinking about Jimin and the kiss. What did it mean? Were you together with Jimin? Were you together with a vampire now? Were you ready for something like that?


I hope you liked this chapter :)

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