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Wanted to use this gif cuz Jimin sort of looks like a vampire and I find it hella sexy

Y/N's P.O.V

In the middle of the night you woke up, feeling movement happen around you. It was pitch black around you so you couldn't figure out what was going on. The first thought that came to your mind was that vampires were coming after you.


Jimin: Y/N don't worry its just me.

Y/N: Jimin, you scared me so much...

Jimin: Sorry, I was downstairs with the boys and I wanted to see you.

You smiled as he got comfortable in the bed. You lay back down again as he pulled you over to him. You rested your head on his chest while he slightly played with your hair until you fell asleep.

The next morning you woke up with Jimin lying next to you in bed. He looked so cute with his mouth half open and eyes completely shut. His arms were wrapped around your stomach and your legs with tangled up together. You smiled before standing up and heading downstairs where the other boys were. They were all sitting around the living room doing their own separate thing. Namjoon and Yoongi were discussing some plan, Hoseok and Jungkook were laughing over something while Jin and Taehyung were chilling on their phones. As you entered the living room Taehyung turned his attention to you and jumped out of his seat, running over to you.

Taehyung: HeyY/N! *comes over and hugs you* Did you sleep well?

Y/N: Yeah :)

Jin: *yelling while still looking at his phone* Did Jimin sleep well?

You blushed at what Jin said and Taehyung laughed. You went over to the couch where Namjoon and Yoongi were sitting and started listening to their conversation while leaning on Yoongi, who didn't seem to mind at all.

Namjoon: So we'll leave Y/N here with Jimin and the rest of us will go

Y/N: Where

Namjoon: We need to go finish some business.

Y/N: Why isn't Jimin going? Can I come????

Namjoon: Y/N you aren't in good condition and you'll probably keep us behind. Humans are way slower than vampires. Jimin is still injured so it's best he stays home.

Y/N: oh okay

Yoongi: Y/N...are... are you okay?

Y/N: yeah... let's just ignore that whole thing. It just needs time

Yoongi: If you ever need to talk I'm right here

Y/N: thank you... anyways, when are you guys leaving?

Namjoon: We're going as soon as we can

Jimin: Where?

You all turned and saw Jimin standing by the door into the living room.

Jungkook: Good morning

Jimin: Hey!

Taehyung *as Jimin walks over to sit next to you*: I had a question for you Jimin

Jimin: Yeah whats up?

Taehyung: Since when do vampires sleep for that many hours at once?

Jimin: YAH

Hoseok: hahahahahahahahaha

Jimin: Where are we going?

Namjoon: Not we. You and Y/N aren't coming with. Last time we were out you got really hurt. You still need to recover.

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