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I jump awake at the sound of my blaring alarm clock. "Bloody hell." I mumble to myself. As I get out of bed-well more like roll. I hear a few knocks on my bedroom door before my sister comes barging in. "Mandy! Wake up you have to come down stairs and like now it's happening." she says in a panicked tone. "Wait, What's happened or happening." I ask confused.

"Ugh, Just come downstairs." she says rushing back out of my door leaving it cracked open. I roll my eyes and check my phone for any messages and of course there aren't as I can never make real friends. People only become 'friends' with me because of my Royal status, Yep I'm a princess not just any princess the next heir to the throne.

I toss my phone onto my bed and walk out of my bedroom slipping on my pink fuzzy slippers. I walk down the stairs to the throne room to see my sister and our parents all dressed up.

"Why are you not dressed the suitors'll be here in 15 minutes!" my mother says through gritted teeth.

"Wait What suitors are you trying to marry me off again to some stuck up prince who can't do anything for himself. I don't even like guys i'm a lesbian." I shout then cover my mouth as I realize I just outed myself by accident.

"Unacceptable! No daughter of mine is going to be a lesbian! I don't ever want to hear that come to of your mouth ever again! If I do you are going to be kicked out!" my father shouts.

I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. I feel my face heat up and my eyes began to sting. "Fine! I'll save you the trouble !" I shout back running up to my room holding back tears.

I angrily grab my duffle bag and began throwing in clothes, hairbrush,toothbrush and my phone charger. I wipe away the stray tear on my face and ran my coat and my Adidas. I grab the bag and my phone taking the back way through the castle to avoid our now present guests and head into the Blackden forest.

I walk through the dark forest with nothing but the light from my cellphone to guide me through the pitch black. I turn around quickly when I hear a stick snap and a low growl.

"Hello? Who's there?!" I call out like an idiot. Have I not learned anything from movies and books to never call out into the darkness and you're alone. I squint my eyes to try and see through the dark that abruptly stops the light from continuing.

I see two bright yellow eyes cut through the darkness and did the best thing I could do. Scream and run and hope that someone hears me.

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