Spells and Potions

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"Ok so what are you trying to transform her into?" I snapped my head around to see him standing in the door frame with a small tray of supplies.

"Well I was thinking of a werewolf or werecat or maybe even a cheetaur." I suggested with a bit of sarcasm at the last term. I stand up to see what was on the tray. There was 3 rose petals,1 butterfly wing, a small tree branch, and a clump of brown fur or hair. I rose an eyebrow at the odd arrangement of supplies before hearing a loud pop from David's direction.

"You're probably wondering what in all the hell i'm going to do this. Aren't you?" He commented a bit of sass in his voice. I nodded and bit my tongue trying to focus on what he was about to say.

"So basically I'm going to mix these all together and put them over a small fire after and it could be eaten as a powder or drunken if mixed with water. I need you to burn this into ashes so I can mix it in easier." He says handing me the clump of fur and a lighter from his pocket. I nodded and set it down on a piece of wood and lit it on fire letting it burn out on its own and scraping it's ashes into an extra bowl David set aside. "By the way what was that hair or fur? and Who's was it?" I asked.

"Well since this is your situation it's your fur that you're always leaving around the bathroom when you shed." he said rolling his eyes. I cringed at the fact that he collected my fur that I swear I always clean up. "I always clean up my fur so I don't know what you're talking about. Unless its one of the dogs'." I retorted.

"No this is yours One, it has you coconut and peach shampoo smell all over it. Two it has some blonde tints to it from when you tried going blonde then ended up with purple instead. Third the dogs' fur is way less curlier-" He said holding up a new finger every time he'd add another reason. "OK OK I get it. So maybe I left a bit behind but it all can't be mine." I argued back. He hummed a small sarcastic 'mhm' before mixing in everything and grounding it into a fine powder. I watched him pour the powder into a medium sized vial."Here this is the transformation potion she's gotta take so the spell with work. This is for her ankle it's gonna help heal faster so she can walk normally but it'll still be sprained just wont look or feel like it until it's healed of course." He said handing me a grey colored liquid in a glass bottle. "David. Thanks for helping me out."I said taking the glass and hugging him tightly.

"No problem I need to clean up now but your little guest should be waking up in a bit." He said breaking the hug and tidying up the area he was working in. He carried away the tray and I turned my attention to the sleeping girl who was stirring in her sleep. I set the potion and powder on the bedside table and sat at the end of the bed. I wonder what her birthstone is. If she's gonna have to blend in with us she's gonna need a protection charm.

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