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I look over at the sleeping blonde that I was carrying as I made my way through the cave transport system. I went up to the hidden wall at the back of the cave and waved my hand over a crystal in the wall. The wall soon opened up and revealed a green open meadow surrounded by a series of trees. I stepped onto the new terrain and whistled making the large opening close. I made my way into the center of a small opening surrounded by a prefect circle of woods. "David!" I call out looking up into one of the trees.

"Yes my dear lovely sister." I hear his deep voice call from behind me. I turn to face him and hug him tightly we aren't biologically related but we've been there for each since we were young so we're like siblings.

"Who's this? I've never seen her around before." He says breaking the hug as his ashy brown colored ears perked.

"A girl I scared, then felt bad because she dislocated her ankle, and you'll never believe what she is."I explain to David getting a weird expression from him. "Well what is she? Don't keep me waiting."He says. I smile and blurt out "She's from Dardori and she's a real human!" I reply smiling till my cheeks begin to hurt.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Hold on just a minute. You mean to tell me you brought a human here! You know what happened last time a human accidentally came here." He says blowing a tuft of his hair from his eyes.

"I know but this time maybe we can make peace and not let it happen again. Plus I feel something special with this one." I pleaded poking out my lip. I hear an annoyed sigh followed with David pushing his half shaven mowhawk style hair back. "Ugh I hate when you make that face. Fine but how are we gonna hide her from every one else, they're bound to pick up on her scent and know somethings up." He sighed and knelt down to the Amanda who I sat down against the tree. He poked her cheek and touched her hair moving it back from where our ears would be.

I watched him inspect Amanda until an idea popped into my head about how we can hide her.

"I just got the craziest idea on how to hide her till she's well again!" I happily said.

"Can't be any crazier than you actually bringing a human here. So what is it?" He says standing up to my level and staring into my eyes with his auburn colored ones.

"You know how we went to visit that one old crazy lady and she taught us how to do transformation spells" I say mustering up a nervous grin biting my tongue.

"Oh no no no we are not going to do that and risk killing her before she heals! Do you even remember the correct incantation for it?" He whisper shouts and I began to bite my lip as I tried to remember the incantion.

"Not really, I just kinda thought that you could do it until I learn it more." I nervously said feeling a small grin come onto my face.

"Hell to the no! Alesha this is your problem and you will not drag me into this whole ordeal." He shouted turning to walk away until I thought of the most genius idea.

"Fine okaaay. You won't help me with this small well medium sized issue compared to your big issues I helped you out with. God I would hate for your little fleafull Magic incident to get out. My dear lovely brother. " I say with a cock grin overcoming my face. He stopped and turned around with around ears perked and a red face.

"Oh you wouldn't dare do it." He said through gritted teeth.

"Oh I would just try me brother."

"Ugh fine! Just don't bring up that incident ever again." He said giving in as I smile and hug him.

"Okay deal!"

"We can't do it here and it'll take about 3 hours for it to fully take so we gotta get her home and maybe we can fix that ankle after she's awake." He said lifting her up and putting her in my arms. We started to walk the long back way path towards our shared house that wasn't really long but went around the small town so we could avoid bringing attention to ourselves.

Once we arrive to our house David and I split ways so he can get his stuff prepared and I to put Amanda in bed. I walked I to my bedroom and set the blonde onto my bed making sure she looked comfortable as her chest rose softly as she took deep breaths sleeping peacefully. I pulled the chair from my desk up to the bed and stared at the sleeping blonde with the prettiest face I've ever seen lying peacefully on my bed. I think I might have a small crush on this human girl but it'll never work. She's human and I'm a werewolf it'll never work. I sigh and put my head down onto the bed and wait for David to come and do his thing.

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