Rightfully Your's (A 1D fanfic)

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I sat on my bed and flipped through the pile of magazines I had. There was a lot of articles about this band called One Direction, I'm not one of those crazed fans but I do quite like them and their music. I glanced at the clock on my night stand and let out a sigh, it was only one o' clock and I didn't have anything to do for the whole day. I climbed out of bed and reached for my phone that was charging right beside me, there was one text message and it was from my best friend Ashley. I smiled down at the screen and texted back:

'Hey, What ya up 2 today?'

I leaned back on the backboard of the bed and waited for her to reply, it took her only a few moments before my phone chimed out signaling her reply:

'Nothing, you up for hangouts?'

I nodded at the phone and texted back:

'Sure thing, meet me at Starbucks in 15?'

There was a pause then my phone chimed out again:

'Sure thang!'

I locked my phone and thought hmmm what to wear?, I strode towards my closet and opened it up to step inside, I was engulfed in my little world of many different kinds of clothing. I walked towards the jean rack and picked out a cute pair of blue skinny jeans along with a purple 'Cool Story Bro' tee.  I turned around a few times in front of the mirror after I had finished up with my hair and makeup. I smiled and grabbed my purse and keys... I lived just down the road from Starbucks which gave me a huge advantage on school days and early mornings. 

I climbed inside of my car and turned the key inside it's slot, the engine roared to life and I began my short drive to Starbucks... 

Ashley and I sat in a table off to the corner, she had ordered a small Iced cappuccino and I had just ordered a coffee for myself. I looked across the table at her and said "So how is your summer so far?"

She shrugged and mumbled through her straw "Good you?" 

"Decent I guess... It could be better though..." I felt my gaze drag along the the customers faces to see if there were any familiar until it rested on a booth across from ours that was filled with five guys, I smiled then turned away as my gaze locked with one that had nice curly hair. I felt my cheeks go hot as I looked back up to find him still looking at me, I couldn't help but stare back, he looked familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it... 

My thoughts were interrupted as a hand waved in front of my face taking me back to reality, I flashed Ashley a guilty smile and mumbled "What were you saying?" 

She let out an exasperated sigh, "So, I was hoping you would give me advice on who I should invite to my summer party?" 

I shrugged "Whoever you think you should invite-" I was cut off my loud screaming from outside as the five boys started to leave, I sighed and thought aloud "Omigod that's One Direction..." Ashley turned in her seat and let out a high pitched squeal, I rolled my eyes and rose to my feet. She looked back at me, "Where are you going?"

I shrugged "It looks like they might need some help..." 

She nodded and stumbled to her feet while saying "If your going to help then so will I!" 

We approached the five boys slowly, they looked at us warily and said "What do you want?" 

I flashed a smile to the one with the curly hair and said "I know a way to get you guys out, I know this place like the back of my hand since I worked here before."

They nodded and the oldest stepped forward "Lead us forward."

I nodded and rushed through the 'staff only' door. I could hear their footsteps behind me as we ran through the calm halls until we reached a door at the back of the store, I flashed them a reassuring smile, "Nobody is allowed back here except for staff so you guys should be good."

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