ღChapter 9

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 **Charlotte's P.O.V**

I heard a soft rustling noise from beside me pulling me out of my sleep, I opened my eyes to find Niall climbing out of the bed. I smiled to him as he caught my eye and turned to look at the clock, I groaned "Why so early Nialler?"

He bit his lip and sat back down beside me, I knew that look and it never meant good. He sighed and passed a hand through his hair while saying, "Me and Harry need to talk to you..."

I nodded unsurely and watched as Harry stepped into our room as if on cue, he sat down on the end of the bed and looked at anything but me and Niall. Niall sucked in a deep breath and began the conversation "I have decided that it was wrong for me to take you from Harry even though he okayed it. I shouldn't have done it. Char I know you still like Harry... I see the way you always try to smile at him... I saw the way it was hurting you when he wouldn't even look at you... Harry needs you Char, see how I said need not want? That's cause it's true-"

I cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth and whispering in a barely audible tone "You don't have to say anything else Niall. I get it. This doesn't have to be made any harder then what it already is... And yes I do still like Harry and yes it was hurting me when he wouldn't talk to me... " 

Harry coughed and mumbled "I'm still here you know..." 

I couldn't help but smile a bit at the sarcasm in his voice, Niall sighed making my gaze go back to him "So where does this leave us all?" I questioned a bit lost in this whole process. Niall fumbled around with thumbs a bit before replying "I guess me and you can be just friends while you and Harry try to be together..."

I nodded faintly and silently climbed out of the bed I didn't know how else to react... I walked into the direction of the closet, they both looked at me questioningly. I just turned away from them and walked into the closet closing the door behind me while I changed, I heard moving from the other side of the door and quiet voices. I slid on a pair of black track pants and a hoodie, I walked out of the closet and into the bathroom pulling a brush through my hair and brushing my teeth. 

As I walked out of the room I saw it was now empty, I sighed in relief and slowly slid out not even closing the door behind me. I walked right past the boys in the kitchen and past the sleeping Zayn in the living room, I opened the front door and stepped out into the cloudy England morning. I needed to go for a walk, of course I had no clue where I was going but I did know one thing... I had to get out of there and get some fresh air. I placed one foot in front of the other and walked along the sidewalk catching a glimpse of my surroundings ever so often, I found myself stopping in front of the local Starbucks and walking inside. 

I dug around inside my pocket for a moment before walking up to the cashier, I ordered my usual then sat down at a nearby table to wait for them to make it. It was about a five minute wait before the lady called out my name and handed me my order, I gave her a faint wave before leaving and walking down the sidewalk again.

I found myself sitting at the trunk of a tree in the park with my knees pulled up to my chest and my hands wrapped tightly around my drink. I stared up at the sky until I felt the tears willing their way up into my eyes, I shut my eyes tightly trying to hold them back but it was no use. I set my drink down on the ground and pulled my sleeves down over my hands to wipe away the tears, it was no use they were free falling down my face and by now I wasn't about ready to stop them.

I shoved my face into my knees and sniffled, I heard movement in front of me, I stole a peak up and saw somebody sitting down beside me. I moved away a bit but stopped once I recognized a small curl falling out from under his hood, he looked up at me and lifted his hand up to wipe my tears away while saying "Char... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have brought you into any of this."

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