ღChapter 1

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I woke up the next day to find my self wrapped up neatly in one of my blankets, I sat up right and scanned the room. I laid back down and thought maybe that was all just a bad dream... maybe they are still alive. I closed my eyes shut tight and whispered to myself "They are gone, there's nothing I can do..." I rose off the couch still wrapped in the blanket and strode slowly into the kitchen, I opened the fridge to find a plate with a few pancakes and bacon. I pulled the plate out and managed to smile a bit, I sat down at the kitchen table and poured syrup onto my pancakes but that's when I noticed the note. 

I opened it up slowly and read:

"Call me when you wake up. By the way I hope you enjoy the pancakes I made for you. I'm sorry about your parents..."

I felt my grasp tighten around the note. I quickly shut my eyes tightly and mumbled some reassuring words to myself before eating away, Harry was surprisingly a really good cook... 

After I finished I put my plate in the sink and picked up the phone to call Harry, he answered immediately making me jump a little. I smiled into the phone "Hey."

"Hey Char, listen I was wondering if you wanted to come over and meet the rest of the guys fully today... you know to get your mind off of things." 

I nodded into the phone and held back a squeal of excitement, I quickly sucked in a deep breath and tried to answer professionally "That sounds delightful." 

I heard him chuckle "Okay, I will pick you up at one."

"Sounds good." I hung up the phone and dropped the blanket onto the floor, I dashed up the stairs and quickly hopped into the shower. 

After I was nice and clean I brushed through my curly brown locks and put on a nice floral skirt with a white blouse, just as I was grabbing my phone I heard a faint knock on the door. I walked down the stairs slowly to make myself look less eager and opened the door, Harry flashed me a smile and thoroughly checked me out. I smiled back at him and said "You like the outfit?"

He nodded "Let's go, the guys are very eager to meet you again."

I nodded and took Harry's hand as we walked towards his car, I stepped inside the passenger seat and waited for Harry to begin driving. He turned up the radio and said "I love this song!"

I rolled my eyes as the tune of What Makes you Beautiful came on "That's cause it's you singing." 

He flashed me a guilty smile and said sarcastically "What's there not to love about me?"

I opened my mouth to start naming things but he stuck his hand up to my mouth and said "Don't answer that." 

I laughed and we sat in silence while listening to the radio the rest of the way to his house. 

As we pulled up into the driveway I noticed that it had slowly begun raining, I made a disgusted face at the clouds and turned back to Harry, he laughed at me and said "Don't like the rain?"

I shook my head and stepped out of the car, he walked around to meet me and mumbled into my ear "Now remember, Niall is the blonde. Louis is the oldest. Liam is the clean freak who is always taking care of things and Zayn is the one with the hair that he spends hours on."

I giggled a little at his explanation of them and said "Okay I got it." 

We stepped through the front door and kicked our shoes off quietly, I could faintly here the sound of the the other boys shouting and running through the house. I laughed and turned to Harry but he wasn't there anymore, I tensed a bit and backed against the wall. There was a loud banging noise ringing through the house then I found myself face to face with the other boys and Harry, I finally started breathing properly again and half shouted "Bloody hell, You guys scared me."

Rightfully Your's (A 1D Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя