ღChapter 5

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**Niall's P.O.V**

I yawned and stumbled out of bed and onto my feet, I couldn't help but smile as memories of last night flooded into my mind. I had told Charlotte I loved her and it was the truth...

I smiled down at her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek before leaving our room, I was hungry and no doubt that Liam had made something yummy for us this morning. I jumped over the last step on the stair case and walked into the kitchen, Liam was standing over the stove with a magazine in his hand and pancakes on the stove. I shot him a quick smile before sitting down on one of the island chairs. He pulled the magazine down from his face and shot me a quick glance before pushing the magazine towards me and saying "Read it."

I flashed him a questioning look but he had already gone back to cooking, I stared down at the magazine for a moment before picking it up and reading aloud in my Irish accent, "Could this possibly be Niall's girlfriend?"

There was a picture of Charlotte at our front door trying to close it, I sighed and mumbled "Damn reporters."

Liam nodded in agreement, "Read the rest of it... It talks about your freakout over her."

I rolled my eyes and read over the the column about my freak out and how beautiful she was and how they all understood why I freaked out over her. I couldn't help but smile as I read the last part.

Liam handed me a plate of pancakes which I immediately began devouring, I heard movement from behind me making me jump a little. I turned to find Charlotte walking into the kitchen while rubbing her eyes sleepily, she sat down beside me and tried to smile but a yawn came out instead. I smiled and pecked her on the cheek, "Good morning beautiful."

She managed to give me a half smile that made me chuckle, I turned back to my pancakes and gulped down the last bit while mumbling through my food, "Okay so we are going shopping today no matter what you say Char."

She just rolled her eyes and nodded, probably to tired to argue I thought. Liam smiled over at her and pushed a plate of pancakes towards her, he turned to me and grabbed my plate while I handed Charlotte the magazine, "Read this."

She nodded and picked up the magazine while chewing on some of the pancakes. I laughed and jumped off my chair while doing a little skip over to the stairs and rushing upstairs, today would be fun!

**Charlotte's P.O.V**

I glanced down at my outfit, it was made up of a pair of red skinny jeans and one of Louis' striped shirts. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom to find Niall waiting for me, he smiled down at me and wrapped me into one of his hugs before we walked downstairs and waited for the rest of the boys to come down. We were all supposed to go shopping but I'm pretty sure Zayn and Harry weren't to eager to go, I watched Harry climb down the stairs and glance up at me. I smiled at him but he just turned away to wait for Louis, I hated how he was acting like this... why was he so mad anyways? Was he mad because I chose Niall over him? I clenched my teeth together and couldn't help but let out a low growl that nobody seemed to notice. 

Louis jumped down the stairs and shouted "To the mall!!"

I chuckled along with the rest of the boys as we headed out and into the van, I was sitting beside Zayn and Niall while Harry and Louis sat in the front. Liam was going on a date with Danielle, they were totally in love which was cute and I hoped me and Niall could have a relationship like that. 

As we pulled up into the parking lot it was near to empty, probably because it was a school day and all but whatever. We climbed out of the van and we all pulled out hoods up and glasses, I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I would hate to have to do this whenever I wanted to go out, I sighed as we walked through the spinning door and gazed up at the stores lined in front of me. There was a Hollister, Jack Wills, a nice shoe store and the way to the food court. I felt a hand wrap around my waist and turned to look up at Niall, he flashed me a smile making me smile back. I turned away from him and found myself watching Harry as he eyed us angrily, I shook my head as we walked into the Hollister and started going through the racks. 

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