ღChapter 4

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I woke up the next morning to silence, not a sound in the house... Niall wasn't beside me anymore and by the sounds of it I was the only person home, I crept down the stairs and walked into the kitchen, there was a note on the island. I smiled down at it as I read:

"Were out at an interview, sorry I didn't invite you. You looked so peaceful while you were sleeping that I decided to leave you. Anyways we will be back by three."

Love, Niall.

I looked up at the clock, it was only twelve which meant I got three hours of the house to myself. I felt an evil grin climb it's way onto my face as I remembered the fact that I hadn't talked to Ashley in almost a week. I ran up stairs and grabbed my lame old phone to dial in her number, she picked up on the second ring, "Hey Ashley!"

There was a moments pause before she remembered who I was, "Hey Char! How have you been?"

I chuckled and saw down on the bed while replying "Good I guess... But I have to tell you something-"

She cut me off, "I went to your apartment the other day and it was empty nobody was in there not even furniture... did you get kicked out or did you just decide to move?"

"I got kicked out..."

I could see her hesitating before she replied, "So where are you living now?"

I smiled into the phone and said "Okay promise not to freak out?"


"I'm living with One Direction!"

I heard her scream making me glare at the phone, I had to hold the phone away from me so that her fan girling didn't make me go deaf.  There was a pause in her screaming and I heard her say in a faint tone "Wait why are you living with them?"

I sighed, I had wanted to wait longer to tell her but I guess now had to do. "I'm dating Niall Horan."

There was another long and loud scream from her line making my head spin, I growled into the phone "You promised you wouldn't freak out!"

"Oh yeah sorry..."

I laughed, "It's okay... anyways how about a hang out today?... At the boys Flat."

She screamed again louder than ever and shouted into the phone, "Be there in ten minutes!" 

I hung up and left my phone on the counter to scan the cabinets and fridge for food. I settled down on the couch with a Nutella sandwich and a glass of milk, not very healthy but it was good!

I was only half way into eating my sandwich when there was a knock on the door, I rushed over to it and opened it up to find Ashley walking in already with a skip to her step. I couldn't help but laugh as she turned and shouted "Hey girl!"

We hugged each other before walking into the living room and sitting down, she bounced around in her seat while flashing me quick glances before going back to bouncing around again. I laughed loudly while saying "Listen I have to go and change out of my pj's, be right down. Don't do anything stupid!"

She flashed me a quick glare before entering the kitchen, I rushed up the stairs and into mine and Niall's room to flick through my part of the closet. I chose a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey Hollister tee. I had to admit I looked pretty good in it. I picked up the brush and ran it through my messy brown curls while running back downstairs to check on my friend, I found her curled up around Harry's pillow in the living room. I frowned at her, "Ashley are you done? I was hoping we could go out for lunch!"

She nodded eagerly and grabbed my arm to pull me out of Flat. I sighed and thought She's my best friend... what can I do? I smiled at the last part and jumped into her car. 

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