ღChapter 10

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*One Week Later*

**Charlotte's P.O.V**

"Hurry up it's time to go Char they don't wait forever for us!" I heard Liam shout. I quickly shoved the rest of my things into my suit case land zipped it up, Niall came rushing into our room, he smiled at me and leaned in to peck me on the cheek. "Need some help?"

I nodded and watched as he lifted one of my heavy bags up and began dragging it out of the room while sucking in deep breaths. I heard Harry laugh and turned to look at him, he smiled at me "You didn't have to pack your whole closet Char."

I rolled my eyes, "I didn't. This is only the normal things that a normal person would bring on tour."

Niall snorted at that, "So that includes like fifteen pounds of bricks?"

I sighed and replied back sarcastically, "Totally."

They both laughed and hauled my two bags up into the van, we would be taking the van to the airport then we would be flying to somewhere in Canada. After we landed in Canada we would be touring around that country with the bus... and let me tell you this I wasn't as excited as I was supposed to be. Liam shut the back doors and shouted, "Everybody into the van it's time to go!!"

Zayn and Louis came running out of the flat, Zayn was holding a mirror up to his face trying to see if his hair was okay while Louis looked like he was trying to figure out his own mental check list. Liam pushed them both in while mumbling, "Zayn you look fine, Louis I already made sure everything of yours was packed and Harry your phone is in your back pocket!"

Harry nodded "got yea."

Niall wrapped his arm around me as we sat in the two very back seats waiting for us to be able to shout out the beginning of the Canada tour. Zayn slipped in beside Louis in the middle set of seats while Liam climbed into the front with Harry, he pulled away from the flat slowly. We all sucked in a deep breath the anticipation showing on all of us, once we were out of the drive way we all smiled at each other and shouted, "TOUR LE CANADA HAS BEGUN!!"

Niall laughed and pulled me in closer to him, I smiled up at him and snuggled against his chest. He rested his chin on my head and whispered "I'm glad your coming on tour with us... this is going to be a lot of fun."

I nodded in agreement and we sat there in silence, I watched Zayn and Louis as they texted their girlfriends good-bye. Even Liam was texting Danielle, personally I was glad that I was going with Niall... now I wouldn't have to go through all of that mushy good-bye and see you in two months kind of stuff... I stared out the window and watched the tree's and land pass by. I closed my eyes and listened to Niall's heart beat till we arrived at the airport.

* * * * * * * * * * * 

I stared out over the ground below us. It felt normal now going on tour the boys. I had been with them for at least three or four months and to tell you the truth it felt so much longer. Niall grasped my hand even tighter as the plane trembled a bit, I gave his hand a quick yet reassuring squeeze. He wasn't that great with flying.

Harry stood up and walked towards the front of the plane while shouting "where are my peanuts I ordered!"

We all laughed, he could be such a drama queen sometimes. I turned away from Niall and looked over at Liam, he had an angry but sad look on his face. I slowly rose out of my seat and sat down in the seat beside his, he looked up at me from his phone and tried to smile but it wouldn't come. I patted him on the back and leaned in to whisper, "What's wrong Liam?"

He shifted a bit in his seat casting wary glances at all the boys to make sure they weren't listening before replying to me, "Danielle is texting me... she said she thinks it might be better if we have time apart."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2012 ⏰

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