ღChapter 2

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Authors Note:

On the side is pretty much Charlotte's and Niall's relationship plus this chapter is kinda short! sorry :( Also my fave song on the side! Check it out!! Now back to the story...

**Charlotte's P.O.V**

I sat up in bed and tried to rub the sleep from my eyes, I blinked as I looked around the room and rubbed them again to make sure I wasn't seeing things. I blinked over and over until I felt dizzy, I pinched the bridge of my nose and thought how did I get here?... Think Char! I laid back down and turned over finding myself face to face with Harry. I held in a scream and felt myself smile a bit, I must have fallen asleep while watching the movie and he must have taken me up to bed. I couldn't help but notice how cute he looked when he was sleeping... I shook my head a bit and thought what about Niall?... but I liked Harry first.... I growled aloud making Harry stir, he opened his eyes and looked at me. A smile grew across his face as he recognized me, I smiled down at him and said "Good sleep?"

He nodded and mumbled groggily "I guess..."

I pushed the sheets off to find myself in the same clothes as yesterday, I sighed and turned to Harry. He looked up at me and smiled again making me smile, I stood up and said "I need to go home and change..." 

Harry shrugged and rose to his feet "You don't have to leave, I'm sure Louis has some of Eleanor's extra clothes... plus you still need breakfast!" 

I rolled my eyes but didn't protest, I was hungry. I watched as Harry left the room to go and find Louis leaving me alone. I sat down on the edge of the bed and tried to clear my thoughts... while I was with Niall last night I felt at home with him, I felt like he was somebody I could always be myself with. It was way different then how I felt about Harry... Harry, he is nice and sweet but I'm still unsure about him... from what I have heard about him he doesn't stay with one girl for two long and I wasn't about ready to fall for him then get ditched. I was stuck between the two and I didn't know what to do... 

Harry returned a few minutes later with clothes in his hands, I flashed him a grateful smile as I grabbed the clothes and walked into the bathroom to put them on. 

I had to admit. Eleanor had a pretty good sense of fashion and I was glad about that. I washed down my face and stepped out of the bathroom to find it empty, Harry must already be down stairs with the other boys. I sighed and opened the door only to run into Niall, I smiled up at him which he returned his cute smile back. He wrapped me into a quick hug and said "Good morning beautiful."

I felt my face go hot as we walked down the hallway towards the stairs, I tilted my head so that I was looking at him and replied back "Good morning to you too handsome."

His cheeks turned a bright pink that made me smile. We paused at the top of the stair case and looked down stairs, I looked up at Niall and couldn't help but want to blurt everything out to him but I knew I couldn't... I had to hold it in. Niall stroked his hand through his hair with a look of unease on his face, I could tell there was something wrong. I took a step towards him and mumbled "Is there something wrong Niall? You look i don't know... worried." 

He looked into my eyes for a few moments before saying "Char... I think I like you. But I don't want to take you from Harry."

I nodded in agreement and mumbled in reply "I like you too Niall but I don't want to hurt Harry either..." 

There was movement at the bottom of the stair case as somebody rushed away from the stairs, I hoped it wasn't Harry. If he had heard me confess to Niall that I liked him I don't know what I would do...

**Harry's P.O.V**

I couldn't believe it... I had just heard Charlotte confess to Niall that she liked him. I collapsed onto the island chair and rested my face in my hands, I could feel a lump forming in my throat but I had to keep it in. I couldn't show Char that I had heard them talking, what if she thought I had been Eavesdropping?! I groaned in confusion of what to do and decided to just leave it, maybe Char and Niall would settle down some... I closed my eyes and felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked up to find Charlotte beside me. I forced a smile onto my face and mumbled "You look nice."

She looked down at her outfit then back up at me and mumbled in reply "Thanks to Eleanor."

I nodded and watched Niall walk into the kitchen, I couldn't help but give him a quick glare before turning back to Liam who was cooking away. I opened my mouth to say something to him but he walked away with two plates in his hands, I growled and turned around only to find myself face to face with Charlotte. She had that worried look in her eyes that made me wonder, I flashed her a quick but fake smile before getting out of my seat and walking into the living room... I didn't know how to act around her after she had confessed to liking Niall. 

**Niall's P.O.V**

I slowly sat down at the table and reached out for some of the pancakes, but for once I wasn't hungry. I couldn't get the image of Harry glaring at me out of my head, I knew it was him who had heard us talking... It had to be. I watched Charlotte as she sat down beside me and let out a barely audible sigh, I turned away from her and thought just don't look at her and you will get over her. She was Harry's first... I knew it wouldn't be easy but it had to be done, I could feel somebody watching me closely. I peeked a look to find Zayn and Louis staring at me in bewilderment, it was then that I noticed I hadn't eaten anything on my plate, all I was doing was pushing it around with my fork. 

I sighed and got up from the table while mumbling "I'm not hungry."

There were gasps that rang out through the air but I tried my best to ignore them, I set my plate on the island and walked into the living room. It was occupied only by Harry who was staring mindlessly at the roof, I coughed to get his attention but he didn't even turn to look at me.  I walked over to him and said "Harry I-"

He turned to look up at me and mumbled "Save it Niall, I heard you guys confess to eachother about how you liked eachother."

I nodded slowly and began again, "Harry you don't understand... I don't want to take Char from you. I mean yea I like her but she was yours first..."

Harry sat up and slapped his hands against his face while saying "Yea i'm sure. Listen if she likes you then you can have her. It's only rare that you like girls so she must be special, I can just go and find a new girl..."

I stared down at him in bewilderment, had he just said the words I had dreamed of him saying?! I shook my head to clear my thoughts and said "Are you sure Harry? I mean after all you were there for her when her parents died while I barely even knew-"

"Niall i'm positive you can have her."

I nodded slowly and backed away from Harry, I couldn't believe he was letting me have his girl. I mean sure I barely liked girls but still she was his first. I sighed and walked back into the kitchen with Harry at my heels, Charlotte looked up at me and Harry in wonderment. I flashed her a reassuring smile and stopped beside her to whisper "How would you like to be my Girlfriend?"

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