Chapter 4 - Hello Asthma

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I found myself bundled in blankets and bodies.

Well...a body.

Stiles was wrapped protectively around me, obviously aroused, one hand on my braless boob. I could feel him through his pants and my...wait why was I not wearing pants. I couldn't help it, I let out a faint scream that woke the other five people asleep, sitting up.

Wait up...

Five people.

Oh. My. Poop.

Isaac groaned. "Someone turn her off."

Stiles pulled his arm back. "Someone turn me off." He looked down at his erection.

Allison fell back asleep. And Kira.

Scott sat up, jostling Kira in the process. "Lydia, before you scream again, Stiles didn't rape you. He carried you to the car, and he couldn't get into your room. He tried for Allison, but she was too busy sleeping with Isaac." I heard a bitter tone in his voice as he talked about his ex.

Yeah, my best friend went out with my crushes' best friend. Double. Freaking. Date.

"And Stiles, think about your grandmother naked." Scott was a morning person...ew.

"Ugh, not grandma Stilinski. She sags." Stiles groaned, eyes closing as he pulled me back down as a cuddle toy.

I groaned, struggling. Did Stiles have to be strong? "Scott, can you explain why I'm in my underwear and no bra? And someone's t-shirt?" I asked him.

"Stiles' idea. He undressed you." Scott explained.

Stiles smirked. "And hence, arousal." He buried his face into my neck and hair.

Maybe I should've felt proud that Stiles thought I had a hot body. But, that was body, not brains. "Stiles get off me before I hurt you." I threatened. I was bluffing, I was weak and couldn't land a punch if I tried.

Stiles scoffed. "You couldn't hurt a fly." He murmured, tickling my ear.

"Seriously, get off me please." I asked, sounding like I couldn't breathe. And I honestly couldn't. The air was too hot, too thick.

Malia walked into the room as if it were her own room. She pouted when she saw Stiles with me.

I flushed, eyes wide. I wonder what she was going to do.

Instead of pulling me away from her boyfriend, she crossed her arms. "You had a sleepover without me!" She exclaimed.

He pulled back his arm and I scrambled off the bed, breathing heavily. I was born with weak lungs, I wasn't too good at things. And when it came to my panic attacks...

Stiles looked at me worriedly. "Are you alright, Lydia?" He had asked gently. When did we come from "What the hell is a Lydia?" to sleeping in the same bed. Not only was I confused as heck, it hardly made any sense.

I nodded, "Yeah, perfectly fine. I-I'm just going to go." I told him, tripping on my way out. Then regretted not grabbing pants at least. Thank God it was a weekend and most of the school was sleeping in, except for a select few.

I ran to my room, which was on the other side of the building. Once I had arrived, I could't breathe and I grabbed our key and unlocked the door. I knew I had left my phone, Allison's dress, and everything else I had brought the night before. Plus...

My hand flew to my neck, then exhaled when I felt the necklace. The last necklace since-

"Lydia! Come on, open up." I heard Stiles' voice behind the front door, and his fist banging on the door.

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