Chapter 11 - Merry Christmas!

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"Christmas is in two days Lydia," Allison told me, "Do you have Christmas presents for everyone?" She was already dressed in a pair of jeans and a red t-shirt. Still I groaned, not willing to get out of bed. I was shocked that the supernatural celebrated Christmas but still I got up glaring at Allison is I did so. Do they even believe in Jesus? I mean I guess they could, because they were someone before they were bitten.

I slowly raised mysef up from my bed. "Why should I get presents for people who have lied to me? Doesn't make any sense," I said rather coldly. I'll admit that was slightly harsh, but I couldn't help but feeling betrayed. I stood up and put up my mess of red hair. 

I saw Allison flinch at my attack. "Lydia we didn't tell you so that we could protect you we didn't we didn't mean any harm. If you knew, you'd be a larger beacon for the supernatural."

"But you still lied," I reminded her, "And if it's not safe for me outside in the world, like you told me, then why are we going Christmas shopping?" I questioned. After discovering who I was and what I could do, I had been colder. Allison rushed to make everyone leave and let me ask any questions I had.

"Because normal is nice every once in a while," She paused then added in an overly cheerful tone, "plus it's Christmas!"


After more banter between Allison and I, I let her lead me to the mall. I got everyone small gifts, not really fitting into the Christmas mood. Kira and Malia shopped with me and Allison, while the boys were shopping on their own. I found myself watching around me carefully, checking everyone around me's faces. I couldn't help but jump when I saw someone who look like someone from the pack.

When I finally returned home, Allison and I looked at our empty Christmas tree that lacked Christmas decor. We invited everyone in so we could all decorate the Christmas tree, as a family. I personally laid-back and watch them decorate, drinking salted caramel hot chocolate.

Suddenly, Stiles plopped down next to me on the couch. I looked over at him and saw a smile on his face that reminded me of how perfectly human he was. I turned towards him and I looked him in the eyes, saying, "You know even though we're not even that close, I think it's kind of sad that you're the most honest friend that I have." I kept my voice low, hoping no one could hear me, not realizing that the wolves had supersenses. "Out of all these people you're the only one hasn't lied to me."

His smile dropped and he placed a warm hand on my knee. "Don't be so harsh on them. They thought they were doing the right thing. That you weren't ready. That you weren't-"

I cut him off by slapping his hand away. "Who are they to decide what I am or am not ready for. They are not me." I did my best to keep my voice low but I couldn't hide the anger that was flushing my cheeks. "They had absolutely no right to lie to me about who I am especially if they knew who I was."

I could tell that my friends were trying to act like they couldn't hear me but Allison and Scott flinched.

"Lyds...we're all sorry." Stiles paused seeming to decide mentally whether not you want to tell me something. Clearly he decided to wait. "Go put on the Christmas star princess."

I hadn't even realized that they finished decorating. Everyone stood awkwardly on the side and Stiles avoided her gaze. She stood up, the blanket in her lap falling to the floor. 

In the box that contained the Christmas ornaments, she picked up the large silver star. Her eyes looked up at the eight foot tree and she noticed that she couldn't reach the top.

Lydia looked around and saw a ladder. They must've used it for decorating the top of the tree.

She dragged it loudly over to the Christmas tree and climbed up onto it. She leaned over the ornaments and placed the star onto the tree. She heard flashes of cameras and looked over at Allison, Kira and Stiles who had their phones out.

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