Chapter 12 - The Bad New Year

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Normally, I was a cheerful person. I was always thrilled about the end of the year. First there was Halloween, where you could be anyone or anything. Then there was Thanksgiving, where you thank the people whom you love or care for. And finally, in the last month, there's Christmas and New Year's Day! But because of recent events, I found myself doing my best to avoid the Pack. Call me selfish if you will, but I couldn't stand being near them. I know that Christmastime is a time of love and happiness, but I couldn’t find…love and happiness in my heart.

 So I spent six days in my room. Alone. With nothing but Netflix as comfort.

It wasn’t that difficult for me to avoid everyone. Most of the Pack went home to eat dinner with their parents after the little morning party on Christmas. I don’t get it, one minute they’re saying, “It’s not safe for you,” the next it’s, “Later, Lydia.” Not that I’m complaining of course. It’d be nice to be alone.

Scott and Isaac went home together. As it appeared, those two lived together before they went to Beacon Hills Prep. Stiles would be driving all of them home, even Kira. But I had overheard that Kira was going to come back to the school to spend a little time with me. Isaac was also going to stay with Derek, who seemed to be a popular wolf. I didn't know where Stiles was, however. I think he was visiting his dad and then staying there. I think it was interesting how he, Scott, Kira, and Isaac would all have Christmas dinner together. I had never known that Stiles and Scott were step-brothers, but it would explain their closeness. Unfortunately, Malia was also joining their lovely dinner. While I was left at school, without my family or friends.

Allison went home to her father and mother. She had invited me along with her but I refused. I came up with the excuse that she should spend time with her parents. She resigned and then left after lunch, packing in during the party. Apparently her father also wanted to train her during the holidays. When I asked what she was being trained for, she told me she was a Hunter, and that she hunted werewolves who threatened people.

"Nous protégeons ceux qui ne peuvent se protéger," She told me as she tossed her backpack over her shoulder. Her legs began to carry her out the front door.

I paused. I knew French, but I hadn’t heard anyone speak it in a while. My attention was immediately turned towards her. "We protect those who..." I took in a slight intake of air. "Cannot protect themselves." Realization settled into my bones. She was trying to protect me. That’s why she was with me almost 24/7. She knew I was in danger. And she knew I couldn’t take care of myself. That I would need training.

However, I was still slightly upset that she had lied to me. But by the time I looked back up at her, she was out of sight.

I, on the other-hand, didn't have anywhere to go. My parents had told me they were going to London and then Italy without me. Apparently the holidays are beautiful there. “Lydia, go spend time with those new friends that you’ve made!” My mother had told me over the phone. And then she hung up because her flight was leaving.

I found myself lonely as the year began to end. Lonely as it started, and lonely as it ended.

But it made it easy to avoid everyone who tried to talk or hang out with me. No one was here to watch over me. I could do whatever I please. However, I never felt the need to get out of bed, other than to get food or use the restroom. I was a complete mess. But when you're alone for so long, you tend to get lazy, especially if you don’t have homework that you motivate you.

On New Year's Eve, I heard a knock on my door in the afternoon. At least that day I had decided to shower. I had decided that I would do something productive that day. I had decided that today I would try to enjoy the New Year by being more understanding. Instead of ignoring my friends I'm going to start anew. I had decided that I would give all of them a second chance.

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