Chapter 8 - Erica Reyes

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"Please shut up, Blondie." I told Erica, eyes rolling. She kept pestering me. Every dang day. Since the party that happened a week ago. I shoved my locker closed, the dull grey metal door slamming shut loudly. All I did was sass her and threaten her. Okay maybe she does have a good reason. I sighed, her voice echoing, "You may think you have Stiles Stilinski fooled with your little shy quiet act, but not me. I know what you've done. I know what you did to your family. I know exactly what you're capable of." The thought makes me shudder vibrantly.

She laughed, blonde hair flipping across a shoulder. "Oh, poor little Lydia Martin. A rich little brat with no sister or friends. Must suck to be you. You know after being responsible for killing-." A little smirk was on her face, one of darkness and taunting.

"Hey, Erica. Can you shut the fuck up? Some people are actually trying to enjoy their day, Lydia included." Stiles snapped. And I practically sobbed in relief. I have no idea where he had come from, and honestly? I couldn't care less. All that mattered was that he was there to save me.

Erica had gotten a few of the lacrosse players to pull hundreds of pranks on me, the most recent one was apart of me falling down into the school pool. With my homework, and my brand new laptop. As well as nearly drowning because I couldn't swim. One of the boys had to save me because they were caught. But I think they would've happily let me drown. 

She rolled her eyes. "Lighten up, Stiles. Just last month didn't you tease her for her quietness?" She scoffed. I took notice in the fact that she avoided his eyes, probably out of embarrassment. She hadn't been trying ot kiss up to him, and he's obviously avoided her. "And for her celibacy?"

Instead of letting Stiles defend me, I just had to respond. "Says the slut in a skirt that's far too short to wear at a private school. You are aware that the max above the knee is five inches, not ten." I asked her, putting in a tone that made me sound as if I was actually curious. 

She was pink, tugging down her grey skirt. Which only resulted in her shirt riding up and showing her stomach. Stiles snickered. And that sound was far too familiar. It snapped me out of my popular daze. I had always heard that laugh whenever he was talking to other students. When he was talking to anyone who wasn't his friend.

"Okay, now that I have made my point, I have an extra skirt. Go change" I tossed her one from my locker. I couldn't stand bullying, and what I did (however magnificent it was) was bullying. I could tell by the fact that Stiles found it funny, and snickered. He always did that when he made fun of me.

Erica caught it, hesitating slightly, before turning away. Before she was completely gone, she paused. Turning around, I saw her befuddled expression. "Thanks, Lydia." Then she jogged off to go change. 

"What the hell, Lydia? You're aware that you're supposed to just make fun of her and then walk away? You do want to be one of us, right?" He grabbed my wrist. Stiles looked completely annoyed, but surprised.

I shrugged innocently, causing him to release my wrist. "I'm not you, Stiles. I'm Lydia Martin. The girl who was bullied by her taken crush and never ever stopped loving him, until today. I'm over him, and I think I'm done with my childhood crush. I'm Lydia Martin, the girl who doesn't believe in bullying, rather kindness and actually being nice. So I'm sorry for screwing with your 'plans' of future me. Remember, I am Lydia Rose Martin, a seventeen year old who doesn't need to deal with people who push me around." I gave him a smile before dismissing myself. 

I saw his expression, his lost, amazed expression briefly.


All day I was thinking about the two Stiles'. Everyone seemed to know about it, aside from me. The curiosity was burning inside of me, overwhelming. 

During class I couldn't focus. Not just because Stiles was continuously apologizing and passing me notes saying he's sorry, but also because no one was at school except for him. And he kept following me around. Almost...almost as if he was protecting me. 

The theory of him protecting me was proved correct when he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close after something whizzed past my face, a string of pain snapping across my cheek. I was breathing heavily, my eyes wide as I strained my neck to look at who did that when I felt my body move. "What are you doing, Stiles?" I asked him, seeing we were in the tiny janitors closet.

I looked in his eyes, and saw the pure terror in his eyes as he clutched me tightly to his chest. His hand was wrapped around my head and he pulled me so close, that I could smell the cologne on his neck. The closet was quiet, aside from his heavy breathing and his beating chest. Which was beating far faster than normal.

I squirmed slightly, trying to get comfortable in this new position. I felt his body stiffen as he released his grip on me, his heart pounding even faster. "Sorry...I was just, uh, caught in the moment." He murmured, only loud enough for met to hear.

I shrugged it off, offering him a small smile, "Don't worry." I let out a small chuckle. He gave out a small fake laugh. "It's fine. What was that, Stiles?"

His fake smile faded and he shrugged. "No idea." I could hear the lie, but I spared him the details. So I just nodded. "Want to just skip class? That was a close shot." He whispered. His hand touched my bloody cheek. 


Bloody cheek. 

There's no way that whatever flew by me was an arrow, or a bullet. I would've known, right? I saw the blood on his fingers and I found myself beginning to hyperventilate.

I saw Stiles begin to panic. "Was that a bad idea? Shit I'm sorry Lydia. Um, um. What do I do?" He tripped over his words, eyes wide as he assessed my face. 

I felt the world slowly begin to fade. I saw it slowly beginning to become black. 

And I felt arms around me as I collapsed in the janitor's closet of Beacon Hills Prep.


Wow okay guys. Thank you for one thousand views, I love you all so much. He-he I'm so happy. Thank you all!

What about the VMA's guys? Love it or Hate it? 

Please do go read Twins by my baby Mordred's Lullaby!

And can you guys make me a better cover cx

Maybe email it to me. If you have an idea message me and I'll give you my email. Thanks babies <3

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