Lily Evans

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Lily's POV:
As I walked through King's Cross Station with my family, I could barely contain my excitement. It all just happened so fast! I smiled as I recalled the welcome memory of when I received that life-changing letter: the one which explained all of the inexplicable things that happened to me, and why I always felt out of place compared to all of the other children in my small, ordinary town. I never really fitted in there, you see. Because, amazingly, boring, ordinary old me had something they all didn't - magic!

But that silly smile slowly started to turn into a frown as I thought about my sister, Tuney - and no, if you're wondering, my sister is NOT named after a fish (as delicious as said fish may be)! That's just a nickname that I had called her ever since I could remember. To me, she wasn't Petunia (that's her real name by the way), she was Tuney. To be honest, sometimes I wonder if the reason I still call her by her childhood nickname is because it reminds me of happier times. Times when we were so close that I couldn't imagine life without her. Times when she was the one I loved the most in the whole wide world... I know that it sounds cheesy and pathetic, but whatever. I guess I am just a sentimental person. She obviously isn't. To her, I'm not Lily, her only sister anymore. I'm simply the 'Freak', the weirdo who has taken over her sister's body and infected her with the disease which is magic.

At least I have Severus though. He understands me. And he was the first one who realised what I am: a witch. A wand-wielding, curse-casting witch! It still sends a thrill through me when I think about all the things he told me about the wizarding world and about the things that I might be able to do one day. He's my best friend. Maybe he's a bit strange and quiet and has a unhealthy fixation on the colour black, and isn't the best-looking in the world, but I don't care! Anyone who thinks differently is obviously an idiot.

My parents looked quite skeptical as we arrived at the brick wall which was between Platforms 9 and 10. I hoped I had remembered what Severus had told me about how to get to the right train correctly. I took a deep breath and turned around, hugging my mum and dad tightly in turn, but when I tried to hug Tuney, it ended up being quite awkward and one-sided. She acted like I had some sort of contagious disease, and although I tried not to let it get to me, I failed, and I had to turn away quickly to stop myself from getting too upset.
"Bye, Tuney," I said quietly, hoping my voice would stay steady. It did, and when Petunia muttered spitefully in response
"Whatever," I glared at her, and even as my parents scolded her, I knew she wasn't really sorry. So I turned around to face the brick wall with my head held high, and hoped that I would retain my dignity and not land on my butt embarrassingly as I broke into a run, dragging my stuff with me with great effort, including the basket which held my adorable silverish kitten in it. I hoped Misty would be okay with being cooped up so long...

Thankfully, I managed to get through the barrier fine. Unfortunately, I had no control of where I was going and banged into someone. Someone with messy black hair and deep hazel eyes. Someone, who unluckily for me, looked pretty annoyed...

Love? Or Hate? The untold story of James Potter and Lily Evans Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora