The Sorting Hat

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James's POV:
I couldn't help but feel slightly (okay, very much) in awe as I stared up at the massive man in front of me; he had a very impressive beard, I noticed.
"Haggis is his name, I think," I told Sirius. Sirius struggles to keep a straight face.
"Sure mate. This massive, giant of a man is named after the traditional Scottish dish of sheep guts," he said. I grinned, deciding to find out before Haggis went.
He watched as Scottish-Sheep-Gut-Man knocked a large fist onto the sturdy door. It swung open almost immediately, a severe looking witch in dark green robes standing near the doorway. She had dark hair tied into a tight bun and eyes the same colour as her robes. "Bye Haggis," I said casually, before strolling into the school, leaving the big man looking very confused and my own friends - Sirius, Remus and Peter - laughing so hard their stomachs hurt.

The strict woman who had let us in eyed me with suspicion, looking slightly amused. She then turned to face the general crowd of students and smiled slightly, moving on give a speech.
"Welcome to Hogwarts, blah, blah, blah, banquet, house this, house that, blah blah blah, Gryffindor, more blahs, earn house points, Quidditch, blah, blah, House Cup," was all I heard to be honest. I am feeling way too nervous to actually focus on anything. I mean, what do they expect?

Finally, after what felt like ages, Professor-what's-her-name came back and told us to form a line. We did, and followed her to the Great Hall. In the hall, it was completely silent. I was shifting awkwardly when suddenly, the hat broke the silence by starting to sing about the houses: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Gryffindor. Also about how amazing it was at sorting and how it was never wrong. Real modest, that hat; weird is an understatement at this point. To be honest, I was quite disappointed when the hat finished his song. It was probably the strangest thing I'd ever witnessed... and I loved it.

The sorting hat was not what I expected. It looked pretty normal; a traditional witch's hat covered with worn leather, and there were strings at the brim unraveling and unidentifiable stains on it. I could only just spot a rather big wrinkle which seemed to act as a mouth in it.
"When I call your name, you will sit on that wooden stool over there and put on the hat. Carefully! It's only a few hundred years old, after all," she said sarcastically. I tried to maintain a calm demeanour as she started to read the first name out.
"Sirius Black," she called. I held my breath, hoping for the best...

Author's note: I've certainly done my research for this chapter so I hope it's accurate, give or take some stuff that I've added in (or taken out). After all, this is another era of the sorting ceremony, so they wouldn't of had the same experience as Harry did in the Philosopher's Stone. I hope you liked it! To be continued ASAP...

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