The Start of Something Great

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James' POV:
As Evans left, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Maybe we did go a little far, me and Sirius. I mean, our behaviour was bordering on meanness. Okay, it WAS pretty mean. Not that I'd ever care to admit it. Never mind... let's hope Evans isn't one to hold grudges. Snivellus, however, I could not care less what he thinks of me!

Suddenly, two boys ran into the compartment we were in, panting as if they had ran a marathon. They could not have looked more different, I noticed. One of them was tall and thin, and sort of good-looking in a warm, subtle kind of way, with bright blue eyes and sandy blonde hair. The other, however, seemed like a pudgy, faded version of the former. He, as well, had blonde hair but it was lighter and already thinning. His eyes were blue, like the other boy's, but looked as if they had been watered down or something. He was short, podgy and slouched where he stood.

"You two look awful!" I grin.
"Always a good way to make friends," the tall one answered, an amused smile on his face. Me and Sirius laugh, glad that the boy has a sense of humour.
"We were sort of a bit late onto the train, so we ended up running on in total panic - let's just say that we both got some strange looks from the passengers on the train, as we hurtled into compartment after compartment-" he was saying, before Sirius interrupted him.

"Before arriving in our humble abode. You know, I gotta say, you guys are lucky we turned down all the OTHER people who were crowding around our fabulous compartment, trying to get a glimpse of the soon-to-be infamous duo: Sirius Black..." he said in a posh voice, rolling his Rs comically.
"And the extraordinary, amazing, admired by ALL of the ladies, and INCREDIBLY MODEST-" I said, mimicking Sirius' snobby accent, ignoring Sirius as he shook his head and mouthed the word 'lies' to the newcomers. "James Potter!" I finished. The two blondes grinned, looking entertained.

"Well, one thing's for sure: I don't think we're going to be able to beat that wonderful introduction of yours, but we'll give it a go. My name is Remus Lupin, and this is..." the sandy-haired boy who was now called Remus said. He turned around to his new friend expectedly, who just stood there blankly for a minute before looking as if he had found a major breakthrough.
"My name is P-P-P-Peter. Peter Pettigrew," the podgy one said, looking proud of himself when he finally said his name without stuttering. Remus shook his head in exasperation as he pushed Peter into his seat opposite Sirius and plopped down into the seat opposite myself. He leaned back in his seat.

"Make that the soon-to-be-infamous quadruple," he grins. Me and Sirius grin back.
"Works for me," we say at the same time. And it does. I have a feeling that this is the start of something. Something great...

Love? Or Hate? The untold story of James Potter and Lily Evans Where stories live. Discover now