Arriving at Hogwarts... finally!

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Authors note (again!🤗): Sorry if the story is a bit small so far. It's a work in progress, and I'm trying to update it as frequently as possible, so bear (🐻 he he) with! Please don't give up on me!! 😬

Lily's POV:
Wow! I can't believe I've finally arrived at Hogwarts! I felt as if I had been dreaming of this moment for forever. And I got to say, Hogwarts did not disappoint. A old, grand castle made of crumbling stone, it was everything I imagined and more! I was in a small swaying boat, with my new friends: Alice, Molly and Marlene. They were sitting in my compartment on the way to the ancient castle - along with Frank and two others who I couldn't remember the names of.

Alice, who was shy and kind, was small and thin, with shoulder-length, caramel-coloured hair and eyes which looked like molten chocolate. Marlene, funny and outgoing, had blonde hair which went to her elbows and bright blue eyes. Last but not least, there was Molly, a chatty, easy person to talk to, who was a ginger, like me. However, Molly's ginger was a slightly different hue to mine - not brighter necessarily, but more orangey than my own, her eyes warm and brown. I was surprised to find out that Alice and Molly were cousins, though on further inspection they did have some features which looked quite alike - the light dusting of freckles on both of their noses, their soft brown eyes and their similar face shape.

You know when you meet people, and you just get along? When you just sort of click? That was how it was for us four. We spent the whole train ride talking and laughing and for the first time since I got my letter I truly believed that I would fit in. And I did. They didn't seem at all fazed by the fact I was a muggle-born (unlike Severus). Alice and Molly were both pure-bloods while Marlene was a half-blood, but I didn't really understand the whole system, but they didn't care. And they explained the houses to me properly, and I couldn't help but feel a bit irritated at Sev. He made me look like a complete and utter fool! Apparently, Slytherin was full of snobby, separatist twits, who hated all muggle-borns like me! I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't even notice that we had arrived at Hogwarts.

"Earth to Lily," Marlene grinned, pulling me out of the boat with Molly and Alice right behind us. We walked side by side as we made our way to the castle and I couldn't help but beam like a idiot when we eventually arrived at the doors of my new school. I STILL can't believe I'm actually here. At Hogwarts!

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