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James's POV:
So far, today hasn't been anything like what I envisioned. Potions was just so, SO boring! You'd think, being at a magic school, it be a lot more magical! But it was basically us just flipping through 'Potion-making for dummies' and trying to figure out the effects and uses of different ingredients. Not exactly MY idea of fun - but it was certainly Evans'! That girl was in her element, I swear. But, surprisingly, she didn't immediately jump at the chance to be in the presence of her precious Snivellus, and in fact ignored him. Instead, she chatted to her new friends. I recognised two out of them: Alice and Molly Prewett, who I know are cousins. This is because their family well acquainted with my own as they are also purebloods who are not snobbish and don't care about blood status. To be honest, it's quite rare these days to find pureblood families such as theirs. Their family also has a reputation for being in Gryffindor, which is a good sign. She looks happier than I had seen her before, I notice, her face lit up with a smile. Maybe she isn't as bad as I thought...

I shake my head abruptly. Why am I paying so much attention to who Evans is or isn't friends with? I don't care! Do I? I shake off the thoughts of the red headed girl.
"Earth to James!" Sirius laughed, as I finally turned back to my friends.
"Sorry, I was just envisioning what it would feel like to shove old Sluggie in a boiling cauldron!" I grin, covering up my embarrassing thoughts with ease. Remus rolled his eyes and snorted along with Sirius, while Pete giggled,  a little to loud and a bit prolonged. For the rest of the way, we discussed what would be the most efficient and innocent-seeming way to dispose of our painfully dull potion's professor.

Professor Nitpick really did live up to his name - we thought SLUGHORN was irritating and boy were we in for a surprise! Nitty was on a whole other level. He found something wrong with the way everyone either held their wand ("Too much thumb, not enough pinkie"), recited the spell ("It's 'Win-gar-dium Lev-ios-a' not 'Wingardium Leviosa!"  But honestly what does he expect? I mean what kind of eleven year old even cares about that stuff?!) and even the technique of the swish and flick ( "too swishy, not enough flick,", "stop flicking, remember to swish!" Or even the ever famous "I see no flick. Or even any swish! I give up!" This was aimed at Peter. Poor, poor little Peter...). However, the rules seem to be a bit different for one Lily Evans.

"Excellent wand holding Miss Evans! Perfect ratio of both thumb AND pinky!"
"Attention everyone! Including you at the back. No not you. Calm yourself! It would be greatly appreciated if you did not stain the floor with your urine, Mr Pettigrew! It's very unbecoming! I was talking to the one with the bird's nest on his head and the rather lopsided glasses. Alright then, now that everyone is paying attention, I will carry on. Since you are all still struggling with the pronunciation of the charm, I encourage you to listen to how Miss Evans says the spell,"
"Ah, Miss Evans. That is one FABULOUS swish and flick! Are you sure you're a first year? Most can only perfect the technique later in life..." these were all the things the man had to say to Evans during the course of the lesson.

There's more, of course, but I don't think my nerves can stand having to recite (or rather, write) them all. I mean, I don't hate Charms as much as I do Potions, but it was understandably annoying to sit through an entire lesson of my teacher raving about a Slytherin-loving know-it-all! Maybe I am being a little harsh but I am NOT in a good mood - because while Evans was commended for how she held her wand, pronounced the charm and her technique of the infamous swish and flick, I was insulted for ALL THREE! Way to ruin a guy's self confidence Nitty!

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