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It was 8 o'clock when the air changed around them. The sky went a deep grey and thunder rumbled around them. Only seconds later a flash of lightning followed. The six friends hurried their pace down the long road. Only 5 minutes away from house, they hoped they would make it back without getting caught in the storm. The flicker of hope was quickly extinguished moments later as the sky opened, raining heavily on the teens. Without a seconds thought, the boys take off their blazers, covering the girls head that was closest. Jerry held Ruby's hand as they ran ahead of the group in an attempt to get back to house quicker.
Diana and Cole looked at each other before running after them screaming, "wait! We're coming!" Cole, ahead of Diana grabs her hand, hoping to quicken her pace.

   Anne watches the four run wildly to the doors of house that was now in view.
   "We should probably run now, right?" Anne asks looking up at Gilbert, his once fluffy hair sticking flat to his forehead, water dripping down his face. Eyes as dark as the stormy sky above them. His only reply was him gripping her hand tighter and running as fast as he could, with Anne in tow. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the doors of house, Gilbert pushed the wooden doors open, letting Anne in ahead of him. As the doors closed behind him he watched carefully as she removed his blazer from over her head, revealing her bright hair, only slightly damp from when the rain first fell.
   "I should probably go then?" Anne says, handing Gilbert back his blazer.
   "Yeh I guess so." Anne begins to walk off upstairs, "wait! Can I have your number? So we can talk." Anne gives it a second thought before adding her number into his contacts. He watches as the ascends the staircases up to the third floor, her hair swinging from side to side behind her back.

   Diana was already in her pyjamas when Anne arrived back at the room. Her hair no longer in a tight ponytail, but falling down her back. She'd changed from her light blue dress, that laid messily in the wash basket by the wardrobes, now wearing a plain white tank top and pyjama pants with pink hearts adorning them.
   "There you are, hurry up and get changed, we're watching a movie with the boys." She left the room, leaving Anne to change.
Discarding her black play suit she pulls on a plain t-shirt and a pair of shorts. At her vanity Anne removes the bobby pins holding back half of her hair, pulling all her hair up with a scrunchie. She was removing her make up with a wipe when Diana and Ruby entered the room. Ruby now in a black tank top and jogging pants. Her golden hair pulled back in a messy bun.

Jerry and Gilbert's room was directly underneath Diana and Anne's. The layout almost exactly the same except that one bed was pushed against the wall with a single window, creating an L like shape. The desks had been moved to make watching the film easier. They were pushed together in ten middle of the room on a light slanted toward the 'L" shaped beds. The front desk had snacks piled on, behind them on a stack of books sat a laptop, Netflix already open. Jerry, Cole and Gilbert were lounge on the beds when the girls arrived. Ruby took a seat in between Jerry and Cole on what could be assumed Jerry's bed. Diana pulls on Anne's arm to sit between her and Gilbert on his bed.

"Fuck, I forgot the popcorn." Jerry exclaimed.
"There's some in the kitchen. Needs to be microwaved though." Diana pointed out.
"Who wants to save the day and get the popcorn then?" Jerry asks, looking around at the group.
"Shouldn't you? Seeing as you forgot it?" Cole pointed out. Jerry pulls a face at him, sticking his tongue out at his friend.
Groaning he gets off the bed, "Ruby can you come with?" She happily jumps off the bed, following Jerry out the room.

Diana pulls out her phone, opening Instagram.

   Diana pulls out her phone, opening Instagram

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@BlytheGil name a better trio. I'll wait 👀
Tagged @PBandJerry and CxleBoi
83 likes // 2 comments
@PBandJerry you can't. It's impossible. Scientists are baffled by the lack of answer
@CxleBoi you're going to be waiting for a long time for an answer

"This picture is so cute Gil." Diana exclaims liking the picture.

@BerryHappi I know one. Me, @GoldenGurl and @ShirleyAnnE ✌🏼obviously!

After what seemed like hours of browsing Netflix it was voted 4/2 that they would watch 'To All The Boys I've Loved Before'.

Lara Jean was finally speaking to Josh after his and her sisters break up, when Gilbert noticed Anne's slight shivers in the darkness.
"You cold?" Gilbert whispers in her ear, careful to not disturb the others.
"I'll be fine." She says, despite the goosebumps all up her arms and rising up her neck. Gilbert rolls his eyes, and dig around in his trunk by the bed, pulling out a thick jacket, handing it to Anne. She took it gratefully, putting it on trying to not distract the others. As she settled back, into her seat Gilbert's hands brushed hers. She held it absentmindedly, her thumb softly running over his.

The movie ended quicker than anyone wanted it to. The teens stare at the screen, wanting something else to happen.
Cole broke the silence, "I'll never love anyone as much as I love Peter Kavinsky." They all laugh at his declaration, despite all being in awe of Peter.
"He was perfect wasn't he?" Ruby sighed dreamily. Jerry mimed a bow to the heart, looking wounded, Ruby laughs kissing him on the cheek softly, "you are too, don't worry."

They spent the next half an hour talking until an older student came in saying it was 10 minutes to lights out. The teens then moved back the beds and desks to their original places. Gilbert knew he was bigger than Anne, but didn't realise how much until she stood up revealing that his lacrosse jacket went down to her mid thigh and the sleeves fell off her arms, meaning she had to roll them up a couple times.

   The group walk down the hall, dropping off Cole. He distributes hugs before disappearing behind the door. Ruby and Jerry walk in front, hand in hand, Anne and Diana behind them. They were linked in arms, oblivious to the fact that Gilbert watched Anne's every step, her long slender legs disappearing underneath his jacket. He liked her in it. He didn't want to see any other girl in a jacket with 'BLYTHE' written in bold on the back.
   They arrived at Ruby's room first, she took her turn giving out hugs, Jerry kisses her lips softly, and smiled watching her close the door behind her. They then arrived at Diana and Anne's. More hugs were given and then the girls disappeared aswell. Leaving Jerry and Gilbert in the hallway as the lights began to dim, telling them they should already be in their rooms. They ran back down the hall, down the stairs and make it to their room before the lights were fully off.

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