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   The uniform wasn't horrible. But it wasn't great either. The girls wore navy skirts that came above the knee. White knee high socks and Mary Janes. They had a white V neck blouse with a navy blue jumper. The boys had navy pants and a navy tie.
The six teens sat on the grass outside the actual school. They had gotten on the first bus up and still had 35 minutes until homeroom.
   Ruby and Jerry continuously expressed how much they preferred the summer uniform over the winter. Instead of blouses/shirts and ties with jumpers they had navy blue polos.
   "They just look nicer." Ruby added.
   "There's no point complaining Ruby. We've got to wear them." Diana said trying to stop the flow of words from Ruby and Jerry.

It seemed longer than 35 minutes but the bell for homeroom finally rang, the 6 split up into three groups of 2. Diana and Ruby heading to 74, Cole and Jerry to 38, and Anne and Gilbert to 58.

Anne's first day was the easiest to handle. She had home room with Gilbert Blythe, and photography for three hours with him. She then had art history with Cole for the last two hours. The day seemed to fly by and in no time at all she was on the bus back to house, sat at the back in between Gilbert and Cole. Jerry and Ruby by Cole. Diana sat in front, facing back to Jerry, they were having a heated debate on if Jaffa Cakes were a cake or a biscuit. It only came to an end when Cole finally googled it.
"Wikipedia says that McVites : the company has classified it a Cake, but when it comes to shape and size it's more of a biscuit. So you're both right!" Cole seemed glad for it to finally be over. Diana and Jerry shook hands in a truce, ending the cake or biscuit debate.

Anne laid sprawled out on her bed. Her uniform still on, she mumbled something, but Diana couldn't make it out.
"I said I'm so tired." She flipped over onto her back.
"I feel you Anne, I really do." Diana replied pulling off her jumper, "get into your pyjamas. You don't want to crease your uniform." Rolling her eyes Anne slid off her bed and crawled her way to her trunk.
"Okay mum." Anne whispered, careful as to not let Diana hear her words. She pulled out a plain black vest and black joggers.
Anne's phone beeps. She picks it up, it's a text from Gilbert.

Meet me at mine in 10 to start the project x

Okay see you in 10 x

She puts in her vest and joggers. Taking a leaf out of Diana's book she neatly folds her uniform and puts it on top of the trunk ready for tomorrow. She began rooting through her bag to get her laptop, notebook, pens and USB.
"I'll see you at dinner Di, I'm going to start a project with Gil." Anne says putting on white trainers.
"Oooo study dates now are we?" Diana wriggles her eyebrows playfully. Anne just rolls her eyes, but applies lipgloss and fluffs her hair anyways. She notices Diana in the mirror reflection raising her eyebrow knowingly. Anne just sticks out her tongue. She throws on Blythe's jacket grabs her things and leaves Diana in her own company.




I'm living ❤️

Gil just left with Anne! Ahhhhhhh crying!

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww I'm so happy for them!!!!

so who want to study ?

Jerry no.

Sad times. But you guys come to my room I'm lonely all alone. 😪


give me 5 and I'll be there.

Okay I'll be a minute


Anne and Gilbert sat in a booth in the far corner of the study centre. They tried to get as much work done as they could. It should've been easy seeing as virtually no one else was in there, but she distracted him by being there. And his eyes on her distracted her. For a while she would kick him and tell him to do his work, but after a while it had no affect on him. He'd still stare at her working. He liked seeing her concentrated. She furrowed her eyebrows when she read. And slightly stuck out her tongue whenever she wrote something out. She curled a strand of hair around her finger continuously.
"Can I help you Gilbert Blythe?" She sighed putting her pen down to look up at him.
"You can actually yes," he got up and sat on her side of the booth, his arm resting on the back of the chair, his hand playing with her hair. He watched her emerald eyes and he watched her pink lips. She tilts her head slightly, and raised her eyebrow.
"What?" She smiled, her head coming slightly closer to his. He smiles, hand on her cheek, his thumb grazing her lips. He was going slow, slower than the first time. He kissed her softly. He leaned out, but she leaned in, wanting more. Her hand slid round his neck, pulling his lips back. He tasted of peppermint, she was chocolate. They worked and they couldn't get enough of each other.

   It wasn't until Anne phone rang that they stopped. It read :


"Diana what's up?" Anne asks.
"Where are you two? We're all in the canteen waiting for you."
"Oh we lost track of time. We'll be there in 5."
"Hurry Jerry's getting hangry."
"We will, love ya."
"Love you."

   "They're all in the canteen." Anne begins to pile her things together. Gilbert just watched her. She laughs when he doesn't move as she tries to leave, "come on Gil, they're all waiting."
   "Go on a date with me." He says, a lopsided smile on his face.
   "That wasn't a question Blythe" She blushed none the less.
   "Will you, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, go on a date with me, Gilbert Blythe?" There he goes. Using her full name making it sound magic.
   "Okay. Now we've got to go." She pushes his out of the booth, and sliding out behind him. He grabs her hand from where he sat on the floor, pulling her down to his eye level, kissing her softly. He pulls away. A big grin on his face, Anne pushes him softly, and takes her things back to her room.

   Anne was on her way back down stairs when Gilbert ran up behind her, scaring the life out of her.
   "You're annoying." She laughed as he took her hand swinging it back and forth.


I need some ideas as I'm going to be writing Jerry's birthday soon and what do you think he would want to do with his friends


Gilbert and AnneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin