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It had been two weeks since the autumn party and life had gone on. But Jerry was still emotionless and talked to no one but Gilbert and Cole. Diana couldn't bear to be in the same room as Ruby and while Ruby tried to act as if she was okay, her friends knew she wasn't.


Ruby is coming to breakfast.
is Jer?

He's dressed so I'm gonna make him. He can't not eat until break right?

I think Alex wants me to eat with him this morning guys :/
sorry to leave youse

DON'T BE SILLY COLE ! go have fun with ur mans
we'll meet him when it's not super awks yeh

yeye of course Anne !

okay me and Jer are setting off now

me and Di have got the food now.
u wanted pancakes yeh?

Wow you're the best girlfriend ever !
Ly ! ❤️

ew u werido
ly bub


   To say that breakfast that morning was awkward would be an understatement. A big, humongous, gigantic, massive understatement. Jerry sat in silence across from Diana pushing the food around on his plate. He kept his eyes on his plate, the bags underneath had started to diminish. Diana also sat in silence staring at her phone scrolling absentmindedly. She would have left when Ruby came down but Anne was blocking her exit as they sat in a booth. Ruby's fake smile was plastered on her lips, the pain of losing two of her best friends was unbearable. Anne and Gilbert tried their best to get their friends interacting with each other but it was proving to be more difficult than they had previously hoped.

   Cole sat a few tables away with his friends in view over Alexander's shoulder. He couldn't help but watch as his friends fell apart at the seams, over the gorgeous boy in front of him. Past Cole would slap his present self for ignoring such a boy but he tried to excuse his actions as trying to preserve his friendships.
   "So I'm flying to Mars next month so I might not ever see you again." Alexander's voice slipped into Cole's consciousness.
   "Yeh that sounds good." He was unable to rip his eyes from his friends.
"Cole!" Alexander snapped agitation clear in his voice. This brought Cole's attention to him, finally.
"What?" Cole's eyes met Alexander's hurt expression.
   "You're doing it again." Alexander wishes it was the first and only time Cole would ignore him, but it wasn't.
   "Alex's I'm sorry, I just-"
   "I know. Your friends." He began grabbing his bag from under the table, "call me when you remember I exist again." A kiss on the cheek was all Cole got before Alexander walked away from the blonde boy.
   An annoyed sigh fell from Cole's lips as he dropped his head back in annoyance at his own actions.

Jerry sat in psychology with his head in his hands, the teachers words going in one ear and out the other. Luckily for him Anne sat behind him, and she knew exactly what was clouding his mind so she took extensive notes for him to refer back to when he was back to himself. The door to the classroom swung open revealing the vice principle Mrs Diver. A short girl in tow. She had long dark hair and lightly tanned skin.
"Attention class. This is Sabrina Knight, she just transferred into this class and I expect you all to get her up to date with- ..." Jerry zones in on the new girl beside the teacher. She was looking around, a smile on her glossy lips, a dimple on her left cheek. Her eyes were dark but didn't appear sinister at all, in fact the complete opposite. Her gaze met Jerry's and she greeted his attention with a quick wink. Jerry was startled with that and quickly turned his attention away, resulting in the new girl smirking at his action.
The teacher gave her the all clear to find a seat to which Sabrina sauntered over to the open seat beside Jerry.

Jerry was stumped. Completely and utterly stumped. It had been been so long since he felt attracted to girl other than Ruby, he had forgotten what it was like. Fortunately for him, Sabrina wasn't shy.
"Hey, I'm Sabrina."
"I'm Jerry."
"So here's the thing, I've never done psychology before and I'm a bit behind, can you catch me up to speed?" with a bat of her eyelashes paired with a small smile. she won him over easily.
"Uhh, yeh. of course I can." Jerry agreed despite having not paid attention to anything the teacher had been saying for the past two weeks and would no doubt be the worst tutor of all time.
"Oh my gosh that's great. Thank you so much." She lightly grabbed his arm sending a jolt of electricity down his arm. His heart began to race. It hadn't done that in a while. She scribbled something on the corner of his open blank notebook. Before he could do anything the bell rang and she was already out of her seat and out the door.

Jerry glances down at the corner of the page. Written in the black and white was her phone number with the note "call me ;) xoxo".
"Well well well Jerry. What do we have here?" Anne taunts from behind him, "is Jerry receiving phone numbers from pretty girls now?"
"I... I think so?..." he wasn't really sure what happened. It had happened so fast he didn't get time to react properly.
"Are you gonna call her?" Anne was excited now. Excited at the thought of her friend possibly moving on from the heartbreak he had endured.

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