Let's Dance

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The Maze Corporation. The name alone is powerful enough to strike fear into those that oppose. With an impeccable roster of gifted super-humans bound to the cause of eliminating the weak to make a clear path to reclamation, it was infrangible, and for some it was hope.

Ran by the intelligent, and dauntless, Mr. Maze, this place has never faltered in any way, shape, or form. Many have tried, none have succeeded which makes him the ultimate threat. Never once having to get his hands dirty unless he feels it to be necessary, and no limits on how far he'd go to complete a task, he was very much considered to be evil incarnate.

Relishing in the moment of successfully retrieving Ryu after placing a kill order on him and his family, he walks to his office confidently with Kane: his top affiliate to the left of him, and Ryu to the right. Faint whispers, and irrelevant chatter fill the hallway as the sight of Ryu captures their attention. He, however, doesn't react.

Proceeding into the office, Ryu notices a massive glass desk sitting directly in front of a large blackened wall with a vibrant picture of Mr. Maze himself hanging up, making him turn his lip up unnoticeably as he walks towards the large pane windows extending from the floor to the ceiling.

He scans the office, taking notice of the cream and black, modern yet vintage design. It looks like something directly from a catalog for people with too much money to spend. His hues then fixate upon the gorgeous chandelier attached to the ceiling, enamored by the beauty of it. However, the feeling is short-lived for the faint images of his family course through the crystal's reflection.

Taking an unnoticeable deep breath, his eyes close and as quick as they came, he removes the images from his mind. Reverting his attention to the setting sun cascading over the city, he steps closer to the window. Arms folded across his chest feeling nothing but hurt, and emptiness.

Walking in behind him, Mr. Maze takes a seat behind the massive glass desk, sighing in contentment. Propping his feet up on the corner of his desk, a slight grin upon his visage. Resting his hands behind his head as Kane shuts the door behind them.

"You're pleased?" Kane inquires, taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"You have no idea." A chuckle leaves his lips. "He's the lone survivor of a gruesome murder. The murder of his family. This can help us as well as help him."

A brow raises. "How so?"

"Think about it." Leaning over the desk, feet hitting the floor. "With his abilities, and his need for revenge, we won't have to do much besides watch him tear apart those standing in our way."

Kane glances over at Ryu then Mr. Maze. "Should we be discussing this right now in front of him?"

"He knows my motives because I told him exactly what I plan to do the day I found him in the Haley Manor... alone."

"With all due respect sir, besides being a very shaky gravikinetic, and being able to transform himself into a very pretty jewel, what use would he have to you?" He inquires, his curiosity getting the best of him.

The comments don't sit well with Ryu. His eyes flash bright red, and suddenly, Kane begins to have trouble breathing as Ryu gravikinetically chokes him. Lifting him into the air from his seat. A subtle tint of red energy swirling around his neck. He struggles a great deal as Mr. Maze laughs dramatically.

"My dear, Kane. You lack the will to see." His voice causes Ryu to release him, dropping him to the floor. Never once looking away from the setting sun.

Coughing profusely, catching his breath, Kane glares at Ryu then Mr. Maze.

"How so?" Voice hoarse, moving to his feet.

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